Chapter 11

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(( Sorry guys that I haven't updated me is just busy that's all plus I just get tired all the sudden and fall asleep I don't know why so I'm going to update as much as I can sorry for the wait plus in the mile stone part I did say that I was starting a Dualscar x Reader so it going to a little while before I get everything else done but you know. Finals gets in the way and chores blah blah blah blah... Ok I'm done talking time to get to the story...)))


'we finally got to the back of this place, there's lots of tree so it will cover us but mother of fuck that took way to long. But when I get hands on that motherfucking summoner I rip him to shreds for taking my (Y/N)..... Wait what did I just say... did I just Nonononono I probably meant it because she is a my servant... Yeah that's mothfucking it!!!' ((yeah that's what you think you big soft softy you...))

" Yo Grandy get over here, what are you doing or thinking? ...wait...wait...wait is it about (Y/N)? Do you actually care for once or are you making me look stupid just saying this...?" Spike said kind of off his normal tone it sounded more, let's more angrier than usual. Which was strange because he never sounded that way... Well not that you have heard anyway.

"No that's not it I promise motherfucker don't worry about it." I said trying to change the subject. "Yeah right now get over and help me over this wall now would you." He said in a whisper.' he thinks I'm motherfucking lying the hell he be thinkn' ((he be country guys tell I said that because I'm country I'm a Texan what you think)) I walked up to Spike and helped him over the wall. When I was able to pick him up I was about to through him over.

He kicked me in the face." what in the motherfuck, that hurt why would you do that?!" I yelled in a whisper." well I needed a boost" He said in a giggly tone. He finally got to the top of the fence. I looked up after he got up there he looked like he was going to fall over. And guess what he did and guess where he fell just guess. On my face again!!!

Spikes POV

Once I had gotten up to the top of the fence I had faced a purr beast that was there but it had not seen me. But I was startled when I saw it. So I started to stumble and fall backwards. When I started falling I could hear moving under me it was GHB or grandy for short. But the worst part was that fell on his face and at the beginning I stepped on his face so I know I might be culled.

I fell with an oof it hurt but grandy broke most of the fall. "Get off of me you motherafucking stupid blue blood..." you heard GHB groan. I did as I was asked but did it kind of slowly but not to slowly just to make him a bit angry." Would you get off quicker please" he yelled. "Shut up your to loud!" I screeched pretty loud.' I hope no one heard us...'

We waited for a few moments in a busy to see if anyone had heard us but no one had came. So we tried to get over the wall again(( why do I say wall or fence I'm stupid if it says fence think wall...))

Melody's POV

I had decided to go outside for a walked so I can leave everyone to themselves for a bit. While I walked through the base that we were able to build without the highbloods destroying. I decided to take the back roads but on the way back to the base I had heard a loud bang then voices yelling at each other. Me being the I'm going to see what's going on type without knowing what it is I'm going to go check.

So I headed towards the front gate to ask the guards to let me out. Of course they did because of my high ranking in the base it's not based on blood in here just power or intelligence. When I finally got to the back I saw to figure trying to get over the wall. When I got a closer look I nearly screamed it was the Grand Highblood.' But why was he here, should I tell someone...' I thought.

'Its decided I'm going to catch them even if I might get culled I will still fight no mater what happens' I thought in confidence." HEY YOU TWO GET AWAY FROM THE FENCE WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? IM NOT GOING TO LET YOU HIGHBLOODS INTO OUR BASE!" I screamed loudly to see if anyone could hear me.

"Hey keep it done we are here just for a friend nothing else..." a blue blood guard said." motherfucker just tell us where (Y/N) is now!" the GHB boomed." I'm not going to tell you now leave before I get the summoner..." I yelled at the stupid highbloods." hey easy now we are not here to fight like I said we are only here for a friend of ours can you tell her my name she will remember me, and tell you who I am" the blue blood said

"Fine what is your name blue blood scum..." I said in a harsh tone.(( what is with people and being mean to me.)) " ouch I'm hurt really that got me right in the blood pumper. My name is Spike it won't be hard to remember just think of a spike going through a skull..." after he said that you started to hate him even more than you already did.

You looked at the GHB he looked to be surprised almost. Looks like he had never heard seen him say that before almost.

Spikes POV

'this girl is really making me feels like I can just bash open someone's head.' I thought. Then you heard someone speak up. " fine I'll tell her... But you have to come with me spike..." she said. ' I don't even know what this trolls name is but fine I'll go.' I thought..." ok lead the way..."

(( wow that took forever to do I am so sorry for the wait :3 ))

GHB x Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें