Truth Of The Bad Boy's Lies

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Truth be told, the bad boy's are back; don't let them see you cry; they'll just laugh at you saying you're weak.
Of all the times I've seen bad boy's treat their girlfriends like nothing but trash; don't fall for a bad boy who plays the innocent card, because they're not so innocent.
They always bullied people who are different than them; just because they have no idea who you are, doesn't mean they can hurt someone who's unable to protect themselves.
Bad Boy's Lie about loving an innocent girls heart, but then drops them like nothing but trash, leaving the innocent girls with nothing but pain and heartache.
Boy's like that don't ever find love, because they cheat on the innocent girls hearts and play with their hearts, minds, and emotions.
Lies, it's all lies; now all innocent girls hearts were broken, but you'll never forget who you are or who you're meant to be, don't let a bad boy play with your Innocent heart girls, they'll leave you in ruins and all alone...just like they did to me....but I'm free and you can be too....I am a woman of my word...I'm a warrior and you can be too.... just be you and don't let bad boy's make you blue... they'll get karma in the end and they'll see they messed up... Don't worry girls, we're free with our word against them...we are warrior women....

What About Love? (Book 2) Poetry Written By Kaylyne Hayford (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now