The Darkness Has Come And Gone

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The darkness shall fade at dawn; sun just rising over the dark mountains.
Darkness meets light; but light and love shall never fade, because love is light, love and light from God above.
Hell has risen the devil himself; but God has been fighting many battles with the devil, God always wins because light from within us has blessed our souls; the devil can't hurt us.
Coming of age, new grass and flowers have grown tall and beautiful; but at a certain time, they'll die...same as for a human, we grow up and get old, we pass away at our given time, God has shown we all have a destiny awaiting us...and we'll be free from heartbreak and pain and emotional scars and fears.... because we believe in God...
And as the sun began to rise, I realized light from within us all; the bumps, cuts, and bruise's meant we were meant to be warriors, survivors, and we're here for a purpose to full fill for our destiny that awaits us all.
Come and go, but life goes on; with or without you, so be thankful for what you have, because, you can lose everything in the blink of an eye...remind everyone of your good heart and soul that you have for others including yourself, don't stop because your dreams will come true if you just believe hard enough... Just keep believing in your dreams and never give up on it, keep going for it, you just got to believe in yourself.... just keep believing... you'll find what you're looking for in life if you just believe.

What About Love? (Book 2) Poetry Written By Kaylyne Hayford (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now