Will Love Ever Find Me?

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Will Love ever find me, how do I know if he's my soulmate or not?
Love comes unexpected; but you'll know when you find the right person who will love you and Cherish you as long as you shall live.
Everything is going well; I'm glad you came into my life when you did, because I felt heartbroken and shattered completely, but you showed up when I was a mess, why? I'm not sure exactly, but all I know is, I'm so in love with him, my soulmate is here and I'm happy with so much love for you, my knight in shining armor, take me with you, make me yours!
Finally, my soulmate has found me; no we found each other, now there's nothing to worry about when you're with me.
My love, I'm yours truly forever; and I'm so in love with you, I'm glad you showed up when you did, I could have died from heartbreak if you rejected me, but now I see you are here to stay, and I know you'll love me, cherish me, and support me through thick and thin, good days and bad days, and I'll do the same for you my love, I'm yours truly for eternity...

What About Love? (Book 2) Poetry Written By Kaylyne Hayford (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now