Ch.17 (break the endless nightmare Part 2)

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Shadow P.O.V

As we go through the doot we are in a place where have a lots of bubbles.

Silver: where are we?

SD: This is Sonic's brain and the bubbles is sonic's memory.

SD said that when he is open one of the memory and its about us go for a adventure.

Rouge: But why these bubbles are black?

SD: Thats the bad memory that Sonic's still can't forget. We call it the endless nightmare.

Scourge: If we turn it to write can he turn back to normal?

SD didn't anwser but he touch one of the black bubble.

SD: It can't change but you can see if you guys want to.

And with that we got pulled by the black bubble and we are apear out of a house.

Blaze: Where are we?

SD: This is Sonic's home when he was two years old.

Amy: That means its his past?

SD: Yes... now follow me.

We go into the house amd we saw 4 differemt hedgehogs and Sonic.

Tails: Its Sonic!!!!

???: Happy Birthday Sonic...

Sonic: Thanks Mom!!!(hug her)

Rouge: So thats Sonic's mother?

SD: Yes... and her name is Aleena,the other blue hedgehog is his father Jules the hedgehog ,the green hedgehog and puple hedgehog is his big brother amd big sister.
And their name is Manic and Sonia.

Silver: Awww... Sonic is so cute when he was young!!!

After that,I see Sonic go to other room, and SD told us to follow him. So we are in another room. Amd we see Sonic is laying on the bad.

Scourge: It wasn't a bad thing after all.

SD: Because the birthday end... that doesn't mean this is the end,its a black bubble remember.

Tails: it means we need to wait. And we can take a little rest.

SD: Sure,you can...

And we all take a little rest and I see SD look at the window.

Shadow: What are you thinking?

SD: This is the day about Me,Fleetway and EXE born. You know I am create by sadness and anger.

After that I heard a voice and I see Sonic get up and walk out of the room.

SD: WAKE UP!!!!!!!

And we start to get up form the floor and follow Sonic again,but I see him eyes widen.

Rouge: What is it? Honey?

SD: See it by yourselves I don't want to say it.

And I see a shadow holding a bloody pocket knife,also some dead bodys. I look closer and its Sonics mother and father.

Sonic is shaking in fear because the shadow is walking toward him and Manic and Sonia pull him to the other room and we follow them.

Blaze: Thats Somic's past?!

SD: Yes...

Third person P.O.V

They are all in the room and Manic lock the door make sure the shadow can't come in.

Shadow and the others can't do anything but watch it. But the door suddenly blast open.

Manic: Sonia,You and Sonic jump out of the window.

Sonia: What about you?

Manic: We don't have time!!! Go now!!!

And I saw Sonia and Sonic jump out of the window and we see Manic tried to stop tje shadow but he got stub on the chest and dead.

Amy: No...

Knuckles: Why Sonic never tell us...

Tails: Sonic...

I even saw SD tears up a little but he still act like its nothing.

SD: We need to go now...

And we follow SD to we follow the path and we saw Sonic and Sonia are still running away form the shadow. But they go to a dead end.

Sonia: *hide sonic in a bush* Sonic... stay here and keep quiet ......

Sonic do what she told and the shadow is standing in fount of Sonia and kill her.

Amy: (crying)

Silver: calm down Amy.

After the killing the shadow want to find Sonic but he couldn't,so it run away. And Sonic come out of the bush. And walk toward Sonia's dead body.

Sonic: Sister?

No answer as Sonic still shaking her,and the fact we all see Sonic crying in fount of us.

Sonic: Sonia,Manic,mother and father... I promise I will ... revenage...

And we are back to Sonic's brain again.

SD: This is how I born...

Blaze: but its just one of those bubble...

SD: Sonic's often play the piano when he have any problem and even this problem.

Shadow: He's really good at that,he even don't need music sheet.

SD: But to the topic you guys can't break the endless nightmare but you can make it disappear,it means make Sonic forget it.

All of them: How?


And we are in a unknown place again only darkness and I see Sonic got clained on a wall.

SD: If you guys can broke the clains Marionette will wake up.

Scourge: This is too easy

So Scourge ran toward Sonic but he got push away.

Scourge: WTF?

SD: Well ... I feel sonething is stop you guys and it have strong power.

SD said as he took out his weapon,I see a shadow apear betwwen us and Sonic.

To be continued...
Me: bad chapter ,I know that.

Lenora: The parts are too messy!!!

Me: Sorry... I only can say it in chinese but next chapter will be better. And the video that I put os the song that Sonic play after the killing thing happen. And adios everyone............

Our new begining(Sonadow)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ