Chapter 64

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"Are you sure you have everything?"

That question had been asked too many times over the past fifteen minutes.

Harry was hovering over Leo so intently that the nearly four-and-a-half-year-old was actually starting to get annoyed.

"Yes, I do, daddy," Leo answered, holding his backpack close to his chest so that Harry couldn't grab it to quintuple check the contents.

Still not at ease, Harry asked, "your pencil box is in there?"

"Yes," Leo reluctantly answered.

"How about your snack? Water bottle?"

"Harry," Noah gently scolded with a laugh, "he has everything. Stop freaking out."

Harry couldn't help but throw his arms up in defense. "I'm not freaking out!"

Narrowing her eyes in doubt, Noah said, "you literally hardly slept last night and took the whole day off for today, plus you've checked his backpack at least twenty times."

"It's his first day of school!" Harry exclaimed in a defensive tone. "This is a huge deal. Sorry if I'm anxious for him."

Noah, who wasn't quite freaking out as much as Harry but completely understood where he was coming from, released a sigh and quietly said, "I know, I know, but you don't wanna freak him out by being all outwardly anxious, you know?"

Knowing that she was right, Harry had no choice but to release a sigh of his own. "Yeah, I know. I'll try to chill."

"Good," Noah smiled comfortingly, instantly making Harry feel better.

"Here," Harry said as he held his hands out in Noah's direction, where he was instantly met with tiny arms reaching back out to him.

The baby was easily transferred over from Noah's arms, where he had been comfortably settled for quite a lot of the morning.

Harry was cooing at the baby, gently bouncing him up and down which he added fun sounds to. The baby giggled wildly, flapping his chubby arms up and down as he squealed.

"Are you gonna miss your bro-bro when he's at school? Yeah? You are? Me too, bub, me too," Harry cooed in a baby voice as he held the baby's hand and shook it with every word.

Fighting the urge to roll her eyes at his clinginess while also melting at the cuteness, Noah simply glanced at the time, seeing that they had to get going. "Leo, baby, it's time to go," she said sweetly to the young boy who was giving a very patient Teddy tons of hugs while he told him how much he was going to miss him at school.

Leo stood up and happily exclaimed, "okay," as he grabbed his backpack again, clumsily slinging the straps over his shoulders. The backpack looked enormous on him, as did nearly any school backpack on any young child. He loved it, though, and was very insistent that it was the only backpack for him. Mainly because it was shaped like a penguin.

The family made their way into their garage where Noah helped Leo into the car and Harry placed the baby into his car seat, smiling cutely at how precious his two boys were in their little car seats. Harry also loved how good of a brother Leo was, because he always kept his baby brother entertained while they drove, and held his hand the whole time.

Soon enough, they were all on their way toward the private preschool that Harry had insisted upon enrolling Leo in. Noah wasn't so sure that was necessary, because she had faith that their local public schools were very high quality to begin with, but Harry was very adamant about Leo going to a private school, at least just for preschool. Eventually, Noah just gave in, because she didn't have a strong opinion against either.

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