•| 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 ♡

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Y/N's brother was, in fact, not home, nor anywhere near the vicinity of your house. You even walked fully down the road and still no sign of him. The girl was glad that her father was passed out in the bathroom, or he probably would of heard the frantic yelling of her calling for her brother.

But, fortunately, as Y/N was trudging around her house for the 5th time that hour, she found him standing by the sewer, pouring another can of soda down the drain.

Obviously relieved, though a little pissed that the boy didn't make himself known, Y/N ran over to the boy and hugged him tightly, causing the can he was holding to drop down into the sewer.

Player didn't say much that often, but he did mutter a little 'hello', and hugged her back, even though he was staring at the sewer, which omitted an ominous glow.

"Hey, let's go back inside the house, alright, lil bro? I'll mop the floors, and you can sleep in my bed instead of under the table, for the time being, okay?" Y/N spoke, slowly letting go of her brother, who just nodded and walked up and into the house. She followed after him.

After watching him walk into her room and hearing the bed creak a little, the girl quickly got to cleaning the floor, though instead of mopping it just cleaned it by hand, as she felt it would be a little quicker, and skipping the bathroom with the thought to clean it later, as she feared waking up her dad.

Once that was done, Y/N double checked that her brother was asleep safe and sound, and sluggishly walked over to the dining table, pulling out one of the chairs and sitting on it, leaning back.

She reflected back on her day, how the stress of her brother missing occurred twice, how the small neighborhood was flooded with soda, and how she had a genuine conversation with the cute cashier, who she didn't forget accidentally touched her on the leg. How could she forget that?

Y/N sighed and laid her head on the table, falling asleep quickly to the sound of silence.

obligatory filler chapter 😳
i probably should have more written for the break i had, but i'll be posting tomorrow!! see you then!!
also this wasn't beta read either so feel free to comment any corrections, again!!
thank you <33

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