Chapter 4

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Young Janay Pov
"Mommy remember I will be at school late today because I have cheerleading tryouts. Ms. Stacy want all of the cheerleaders and booster cheerleaders there today." She said "okay and remember while you walk to that bus stop DON'T TALK TO STRANGERS !" "Okay mommy I love you, bye !" .. I said as I wave to her before I walked down the street. Even though we were still in the hood, our neighborhood was peaceful, so I didn't have trouble with walking by myself. I can't wait to become an official cheerleader today.

Later that day...

Cheerleaders, ATTENTION !!!
Ready Begin!!

We just finished going over this cheer with the girls that are trying out before the try outs start. I started off as a booster cheerleader, but now I'm an actual cheerleader now. Oh yeah and my big cousin Nisha on the team as well. We don't really talk much because she fines me annoying, but I look up to her. She doesn't know that at all.
Nisha: ohhhh Janay you bout to get in trouble. You're mama been looking for you!!
Me: Wait what I do? As I get up to leave the cafeteria, I walk up to her. Mama what did I do?
Andrea: why the hell you didn't tell me you was going be at school late today?
Me: *confused* huh I did tell you that I was going be here late. I told you this morning before I left.
Andrea: no you didn't, go get your damn stuff. You getting a whooping when you get home!!! Go get your stuff now !!

Me so hurt and confused. Not realizing what's going on, I went to go get my backpack and told my coach bye. I never been this embarrassed before.
Trying not to cry, I get the car.
Darnell: Little girl, why you didn't tell your mama you was going be at school late?
Me: I did tell her
Darnell: who the hell you raising your voice at?! When we pick you up, you going get it when you get home.
Me: *looking out the window, trying not to cry* yes sir

**Running up to my granny**
"Baby what's wrong?"..she asked as she gave me a hug and looked at the car. I told her everything that happened. Boy was she mad. See my granny a sweet lady. She would go to church every know and then, even pay her tithes, but she will curse you out in a heartbeat if she have to. Family or not, granny don't care. Especially if you mess with granny's baby. After she wipe my tears, she told me "Janay you don't worry yourself up, chile they not going whip you. I will make sure of that!" Now go sit at the table and do your homework while I fix you something to eat.

Andrea Pov
Now what the hell is wrong with you? Have you lost your got damn mind!! Sitting her listening to my mama go off, and all I'm tryna do is get my daughter. "Mama what are you talking about?" "You know exactly what I'm talking about. That baby not going sit up there and lie. Get your damn priorities straight, and stop following that piece of shit around. That man never did you any good since you then married that mf!!!"*rolling my eyes and not caring about a damn thing she saying* ..That baby don't even act the same anymore. She always come over here sad, she walks over here everyday after school and I have to make sure she goes home, because she don't wanna go home. I love my grand baby, I do but you're her mother, and you need to pay attention to her. Since she been a cheerleader, when have you ever attended a damn game..can't remember? Because you haven't, I've been there every step of the way. But no your stupid ass all under that black mf ass. You better wake up chile, cause that man going leave you one day." I wouldn't be surprised if he had a whole woman on the side. " Well mama, you're wrong, because I'm pregnant now". Yes we're pregnant. I just found out earlier today!" Honey if you ain't about as slow as a squirrel getting raned over tryna catch a nut. Don't you know that a baby not going keep that man. I figured you would've learned that from the last man, but I guess not." And since you think you're so sure about this, why am I hearing from your daughter that she saw that man hitting on you?" "ME NOW ALL OF A SUDDEN SHOCKED, BECAUSE NO ONE WAS SUPPOSE TO KNOW THAT, AND PLUS HE ONLY HIT ME ONE TIME ANYWAY !!" Mama idk why you listen to her, that's not true. Kids lie a lot. Anyways, I'm bout to go get my child.

"You going find out one day and when it happens, all ima say is I told you so. Lord help this child of mines!!"

***Now what do y'all feel about what Mama Evelyn said? Do y'all think she put Andrea in her place? Was Janay wrong or was Andrea wrong?*** Comment, comment, comment

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