Chapter 14

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Andrea Pov
Andrea: Between everything that has happened in the past 24 hours and especially dealing with seeing my brother Andre after not seeing him for months, I am completely exhausted.


Andrea: who is it?
HPD: This is the police. I am looking for Andrea King.
Andrea: *opens the door to not only see the police, but also Darnell right by them* I am her, what seems to be the problem Officer?
*saying while Mama Evelyn come by the door*
HPD: Well Mrs. King, we have received an complaint for Mr. King that you kidnapped his son Darnell Jr. By law, you can't take his kid without his acknowledge since he not only has custody but because you are married as well. We need you to hand over the child or we will have to arrest you.
Andrea: Excuse me sir, but I didn't kidnap my child. And he's well aware of that. He could have called me, if he wanted to get his child.
HPD: Ma'am he said you blocked his number. Now we can either do this the easy way or hard way. It's your choice.
Mama Evelyn: Now ain't this bout a bitch. You are a trifling piece of shit. *saying while staying at Darnell*
HPD: Ma'am can you stop using profanity.
Mama Evelyn: With all due respect officer, you at my got damn house. Now y'all want to come over here and give my daughter a hard time because of his trifling ass.
Andrea: Mama don't worry about it. *handing DJ over to Darnell* Have him back by tonight. *then runs past Janay and goes to her room*
Mama Evelyn: *staring at Darnell* You ain't right for this. But my mighty God sits high and looks low. I promise you that !
HPD: Thank you ma'am for your cooperation.
Mama Evelyn: Yeah yeah yeah. Y'all can both kiss my ass ! *while she closes the door* *looks down at Janay* Go check on your mama to see if she's okay.
Young Janay: Okay Granny

As Janay goes towards the room, she hears her mom silently crying ....

Young Janay: *lightly tap on the door* Mommy this Janay, are you okay? *silence* Mommy ??? *more silence* Mommy are you okay?
Andrea: Go AWAY !!!! *as she throws something at the door*
Young Janay: *startled and hurt* I'm sorry Mommy. *as she proceeds to sit in the hallway and starts crying* Why don't she love me?🥺


As Janay started sobbing, Mrs. Smith reached over to hand her some Kleenex....

Mrs. Smith: Wow Janay, I'm so sorry that you had to go through that. But I'm even more proud of you that you decided to open up to me. I know it had to been really hard for you to do. I have a question thought, how did you all that went down between your Mom and Stepfather?
Janay: Yes it was very hard because I've had so much hurt and pain built up inside of me. That night, my granny though I was still sleep I actually overheard my mom and uncles tell everything that happened. So that's how I found out. What I opened up to you about, wasn't really as bad as what I really went through afterwards.
Mrs. Smith: We'll that's what I'm here for. Whenever you ready to let some more steam out then, you are more than welcome to make an appointment with me anytime. I see potential in Janay and I want you to see your potential as well. That's why it's so important to heal yourself and get to the root of why you are the way you are. Always remember: you will never be able grow and truly be the best version of yourself , if you don't work on yourself ! I believe in you Janay, question is do you believe in yourself?
Janay: I guess you can say I can. You know what, this session wasn't bad after all. I can vent all day.
Mrs. Smith: Well don't vent all day now, I got a husband to cater to later. *laughing*
Janay: Ohhhh okay, I see you Mrs. Smith. *laughs* Well I don't want to hold you any longer. But seriously, thank you for everything. I really appreciate it and you're not that bad after all.
Mrs. Smith: You don't have to thank me because it's my job. But what you can do is thank my bank account with your session. *laughs*
Janay: Okay see you soon Mrs. King ! *laughing while walking out the office*

As soon as she close the door, she look back at her name that was sitting on her desk...


Mrs. King: I hope Janay doesn't find out that I'm the woman that ruined her mother's marriage !

****End of the Book****

***Thank you for all that have read my book. Didn't want to keep the chapters going by boring y'all, so I'm going to end it right here. How do y'all think about the book? Should I make this book a part 2 or leave it alone? Comment you guys !! ***

For The Love Of YouNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ