Chapter 8

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Andrea Pov
Andrea: *comes in the house* Baby I'm
home !!!
Young Janay: Momm...mommy *running to Andrea coughing/gasping for air and scratching her neck*
Andrea: omg baby what's wrong? *as she began to rush over to Janay's aide*
Janay: *points at her neck*
Andrea: oh my Janay, we gotta get you to the hospital ...
Andrea: Darnell !!!! Darnell !!!! Darnell!!!!!!!!
Darnell: *coming out the bedroom* what? what? What's going on?
Andrea: Mf first of all, watch who the fuck you talking to ! I'm about to go to the hospital, go pick up DJ.
Darnell: what's going on?
Andrea: I'll tell you later...


Doctor: Hello Mrs. King, so we got the test results from the lab. Miss Janay here will be okay, but the only concern I have is that, when was the last time you check to see if she was allergic to anything?
Andrea: we'll sir, the last time I took was when she was four. I was told that she isn't allergic to anything. Is there something wrong sir?
Doctor: okay I see, well it is important that you get her regularly check to see what all she's allergic to, so this won't happen again. Had you would've gotten here any longer, Janay would've died from suffocation. Have she had any strawberries in the last few hours?
Andrea: Not that I know of. I'm allergic to strawberries, so I know we don't have them in my home.
Young Janay: Um mommy
Andrea: what baby?
Young Janay: ummm I kind of snuck a strawberry earlier after daddy had picked me up. Please don't be mad at me *trying not to cry*
Andrea: how?..where did you get strawberries from?
Young Janay: well I had saw a bowl of strawberries next to whipping cream on the counter. So I took one.
Andrea: *giving a blank stare as she start putting two and two together*
Andrea: *walking out the hospital* I know damn well this mf didn't bring a bitch in my house !!! He knows I'm allergic to strawberries, so it's not even tolerated in my home. Plus he don't even like them.
Andrea: *pulls phone out* Mama can I bring Janay back over there. I have something I have to take care of.
Evelyn: is everything okay? What's going on?
Andrea: mama I'll tell you later *as she hang up the phone*


talking to herself....
Andrea: I can't believe he had a bitch in my house. The home we share! Then you bring the bitch there while my daughter is home. Mf don't even have the respect to fuck the bitch outside of my home. Oh yeah, he got the wrong one on the right day !

*blast Mary J. Blige*
11 years out of my life....
Besides the kids, I have nothing to show...
Wasted my years, a fool of a wife...
I should have left your ass long time ago....

Andrea: this mf then lost his got damn mind *wiping tears from her face*
All I went through to be with him. It affected my relationship with my daughter, and with my mother. Me leaving the medical field because that was his dream, not mines. I literally let myself go just to be right by his fucking side, and this the fucking thanks I get. The change in attitude, the constant text messages from the same unknown number, the lack of affection, the disrespectful remarks, and the late night working. At that moment, everything started making sense to her.

The more Andrea thinks of all the signs, the madder she gets...

Andrea: triffling ass nigga !!! As she drag the last pull of her blunt, she looked up at the sky. Dear Heavenly Father, please forgive me for what I'm about to do !!! *as she get out the car and take the safety off of her 9mm, she felt the gun getting snatched out her hand*
Booby: I know you not about to go pull that nigga cap back !! Give me this shit!!!
Andrea: *smacks lips as she mean mug her brother* mf what are you doing here?
Booby: mama already told me what happen. Didn't I tell you to leave that sorry ass nigga alone. I would've been got that fool along time ago had you let me.
Andrea: man I got this.
Booby: *holds hand up in surrender while backing away* aight, but I'm letting yo ass know I'm not leaving just incase that mf wanna get crazy !!!
Andrea: *thinking in mind* damn my mama can't hold water for shit .....

As Andrea sits back in her car, she leans on the steering wheel while she cries her heart out.

***How do you feel about the book so far? Do y'all think Andrea finally came to her senses? Did y'all like how I added another character in the book? What do y'all think will happen?***


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