Chapter 5

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Andrea Pov
I feel really bad about what happened with Janay the last few weeks, and realized the reason why I forgot so quickly was because I'm pregnant. But she'll get over it. She can't be mad at her mommy for long. After all, I'm pregnant with baby #2 , and I know she would be happy.

Young Janay Pov
I hate it here ! First my mom acting very different with me, and now I found out I have alittle brother on the way. Now I definitely won't be getting any of her attention anymore.

Darnell Pov
Today have been nothing more than amazing. A lot of my clients hit me up about cutting their yard. Thinking about opening up my own car wash. Just found out a few weeks ago that ima have my first son, which actually made our marriage a little bit better. So I decided this evening that I'm going to take her out on a date. I don't know if it's her being pregnant with my first child or hormones, but this make me look at her different now. Like I've fallen back in love with her. While drowning in my thoughts, my phone buzz.

+8329911199: sooo you just stopped talking to me? What's going on?
Me: I don't wanna keep doing this with you anymore. I'm staying with my wife.
+8329911199:what the hell are you talking about? Open the door!

I open up the door, shocked at the fact that she popped up at my job. "Layla what are you doing here?" So this is how you going do me? I gave you 5 years of my life and you going go marry that retarted ass bitch !! I held you down before you had your own lawnmower company. I was right there when you would cry at night, because you didn't have not one client. I picked you up when you was falling down!! I prayed for you, over you, around you, and even when I was at my best. Now you're at your best. But what do I get? Pushed to the side while you're married, and blowing up your damn phone from an unsaved number. I hate you so much !!!" Me feeling helpless, I never really knew the pain I caused her until now. I don't know what gotten into me, but all of a sudden I just started kissing her and we started fucking. I must admit, when me and Andrea met, I was in a relationship with Layla. But Layla didn't know. When I tell you this woman was my soulmate, scratch that she is !! She is my rock, and I was too young to actually see why I didn't marry her first, but I was too busy wanting my dick wet that I didn't see the bigger picture. Yeah I gotta figure all of this out before I end up loosing both of them. Damn what the fuck have I done?!

***How do y'all feel about this chapter? Will Janay be happy that she has another sibling? Do you see Layla as the villain or victim?***

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