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Hello! So, this is my first one-shot book so forgive me if it’s bad. (Which it likely is.) Also don’t mind the temporary cover.

I’m not sure what else to say, except that I wanted to do one of these before I grow out of my Hamilton phase. If I ever do. Uhm, also thank Marigold_7 for this book ‘cause they inspired me to do this because they have their own. Go check it out.  

 Also, most of these will be in third person unless I say otherwise; I’m not experienced in first person, so that’s the reason. Also, Most of these are set in a Modern AU. So, It'll be that way unless I specify otherwise. 

Feel free to request anywhere if you do have a request. Anything’s fine, though, I’m not sure where I stand on shipping just yet so I don’t think I’ll be doing any one-shots of that. So, please refrain from requesting shipping until I’ve made up my mind.

I don’t have much else to say other than I hope you enjoy!

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