Friendship Bracelet

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Hamilton was in his office working on something important, and no, it wasn’t work related. Let’s just say he liked to make little things for his friends to show them how much he actually cared for them. Almost all his friends had received one by now, the reason they all didn’t get them at the same time was because they all got specialized items.

Not going into much detail here’s what Hamilton got each of his friends. He made Lafayette a necklace, Herc a ring, and Laurnes an earring. Yes, an earring. He just got one side; Hamilton kept the other. The only similarity to them all, is that they all had a green gem on them. That was his little trademark. Yes, other people did it, but no one else that worked there did it. Hell, not a lot of them wore jewellery.

As you could tell, Hamiton had made a hobby out of it, continuing to make these in his free time, when he didn’t have any work to do. Clearly, he hadn’t given out as much as some would expect but he gave the three important people first, then the less than important, but still very important people, after.

Alex had taken notice that the three had put effort into wearing them every day. Except when their outfit of choice wouldn’t match, though that was Lafayette specific.

Today he was finishing up on a bracelet that he had been working on for about a week. It had a green gem on it, just like all the others. This one was for Burr, even though Alex was certain he would reject it immediately, but it was worth a shot.

He kept working for a couple minutes, you know, finishing touches and all. When he finished it, he merely inspected it, not knowing if it was good enough yet or not. You also may be wondering how he knows how to do this, and he’s not really sure where he learnt it but, he knew how to do it so, he put it to use. Probably not good use but use.    

Deciding that it was good enough, he picked it up and put it into a small box he had gotten earlier. He did this for everyone else. It made it feel morereal in a way. I was a nice box, the outside being a burgundy colour. No, it wasn’t like a ring box, if that’s what you were thinking.

Hamilton smiled in satisfaction before standing up, grabbing the box, and going out to find Burr. Honestly, the most obvious place would be his office but, he would save that for last. You know, so he could complain when he started to talk Burr’s ear off. He started to check all the places where he could be. 

Break room? Not there.

Debate Hall? Nope.

Meeting room? Had a meeting going on that Burr was not a part of. He just kind of smiled nervously and closed the door, silently telling himself not to do that again.

Outside? Not there either.

Washington’s office? No. But when he saw him, he was reminded to make something for the president. The two exchanged greetings and then he took off, going one last place. The one he had ignored earlier. Burr’s Office.

He made his way over to his office, which was located on the other side of the building. Great. It took him about five minutes, but he eventually got there. He let out a sigh of relief, glad that he was finally there. Doing the rounds really wasn’t the best idea, was it? He normalized his breathing because, of course he was tired, he didn’t do much on a daily basis to have gatheredany form of endurance. It was to be expected.

Alex was really hoping that it wouldn’t all be for nothing, I mean, he engraved Burr’s initials onto it, there was no turning back. He made the majority of everything he gave out, outside the office building, only doing little things while at the building itself.

He raised his fist, a bit nervous and knocked on the door, not even waiting for a response before letting himself in. And there he was, Burr in all his gloomy glory. You could tell just by the atmosphere of the room that he was frustrated. Alex questioned if it was directed at him, or his work. He figured that no, it couldn’t have been him. Since the untidiness of the room suggested that Burr being frustrated had been going on for a while now. Burr was a rather neat, organised guy, so seeing his room in this state was quite the shock.

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