Friendship Bracelet Pt.2

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Burr was typically a rather efficient man, if someone had told you that he was three assignments behind, no one would believe them. Unfortunately for Burr, that was true. At the current moment, he was finishing up a document that was due in two days’ time and had two more that he had to have completed by Thursday. Which admittedly wasn’t in two days, it was actually in a week, but that didn’t change the fact that they would take a rather long time to get completed.  

It was a mystery as to how this had happened, but Burr was almost certain it had something to do with the fact that some of his co-workers dragged him to the mall against all his protests. He’s not saying he didn’t have fun, just that it wasn’t appreciated.  

He kept working a bit more, before there was a knock at his door. He told them to come in before he started scribbling some important information down onto a blank sheet of paper. His handwriting was barely legible, but at the moment that was good enough for him; it would just be something he would have to deal with later.

The door could be heard opening, but he paid it no mind, knowing that they would speak up eventually. “Burr?”

The man in question looked up, immediately recognizing the voice. “Mr. Washington. Is there a reason you’re here? I don’t believe I have anything due today?” The last thing he said came out more of a question than a statement. He began going through all his completed documents, looking for one that might be for Washington.    

He had things for all over the company, ranging from the Treasury to the Health department. He was just the guy that did most of the paperwork -Including his own-. It wasn’t fun.

“Actually, you don’t have anything for me. You can stop looking.” Burr did just that and looked towards the man who was currently leaning on his door frame, with his arms folded. He cleared his throat. “Then, why are you here?” Now he was getting a bit nervous, if he wasn’t here for that, then why else could he be here? “Someone made me aware that you aren’t exactly sleeping as much as you’re supposed to be. And,” He mentioned Burr's appearance. “Clearly they weren’t wrong.”

Burr just groaned and buried his head in his hands. “It was Hamilton, wasn’t it? The snitch…” He mumbled the last part, raising his head back up and looking at Washington, who had moved from his original position and also looked a bit concerned.

Burr cleared his throat again, “Well, you don’t have to worry about me sir, I’m fine.” And with that his body betrayed him as he let out an involuntary yawn. He silently swore under his breath only to see Washington looking less than impressed.

Burr let out a bit of a nervous chuckle and the next thing he knew he was being dragged through the halls with a hand gripping his wrist.

At this point he could have been yelling at Washington, but he didn’t exactly like the idea of being fired. Either way, he kept attempting to pull away, which was to no avail as the man in front of him was much stronger than he was. So, he tried something else. Bargaining.

“D-Do you really think this is necessary?” He managed to get out, slowly losing any form of dignity he had left, with every passing moment and every new employee that noticed. “It’s only for your own health, you’ll get sick if you keep this up for too long.” He commented in a relatively softer tone than before.

“But it wouldn’t be for much longer! Only a couple more days!”

“Exactly why you should get some sleep, you’re likely overworking yourself.”

“But I have so much work to get done, I don’t have time for this-”

“You can worry about work later, right now you clearly need someone to care about you, cause you’re incapable of doing it yourself.”

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