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(This one is set in the sibling AU I made. There might be a book coming out for it, so if the book does exist eventually, take this as a preview. I also haven’t written in a while so please excuse my writing.)

Aaron and Alexander could be seen walking down a random street, in a random town, on their way home. The town wasn’t exactly seen as foreign to Aaron, as he had passed here on multiple occasions, but it seemed unfamiliar to Alex, as every time the other would go there, he was rarely ever with him.

They were passing many strangers many hours ago. At this point, few could be seen wandering the street, they just so happened to be a part of that few. The two had been out merely to mingle with two boys that ran a stall in the market. They sold clothes and weren’t much older than Aaron himself.

Alex had been dragged along as his older brother didn’t want to leave him alone. It hadn’t gone terribly, as Alex had found it easy to converse with one of them, Hercules, he remembered his name to be. Aaron seemed to talk with the other, he couldn’t remember their name but knew the two looked similar, much more. So, in his eyes it hadn’t been a complete waste.

As they had walked, Alex found himself growing tired; his legs began to ache, and his eyelids began to feel heavy. He glanced over to Burr, only to see the other seemingly unaffected. He looked the exact same way he did when they first started. His eyebrows scrunched up as bit as he started to question how.

Aaron let out a sigh, he felt like crap. He wanted nothing more than to take a break. And he would’ve done so, if the two hadn’t been so close to home. If you can consider their little shack in the woods home. He didn’t, and he wasn’t sure if Alex felt the same. He still felt guilty for having Alex in this situation, for he didn’t deserve it.

Although he wasn’t the cause of Alex’s situation, he couldn’t help but feel that way. He hadn’t wished to do anything the other was uncomfortable with, and that unfortunately included the other’s desire not to be put in an orphanage. ‘We’ll get better eventually!’ The other would proclaim even if he knew the day wouldn’t be in the near future.    

He smiled at the memory, he was always fond of the other’s optimism, happy that they could imagine things being better than they currently were. In all fairness, he shot down that Idea as well, realizing that he, himself, would probably be taking in, as he was still young. He wasn’t fond of the idea, not at all was he okay with it.

He was dragged out of his thoughts by a tugging on his arm and a whine that followed soon after. “Hm?” He hummed, letting the other know he had his attention, glancing at the sleepy boy. “Ronnie, I’m tired-!” He whined, tiredly rubbing one of his eyes with his fist. Aaron stopped walking, Alex did the same, and folded his arms, fully turning to face the boy.

“Weren’t you the one that claimed you could make it home without getting tired?” He questioned the other, head tilted slightly with one eyebrow raised. Alex looked back at him with his eyebrows scrunched together and a deep frown present. “That was before I knew how long the walk would be-” He got cut off by a yawn, his head now hung low with his face buried in his hands.

Aaron chuckled softly, unfolding his arms and stepping a bit closer to the other. Alex had put down his arms and now looked at him curiously. Or, as curious as a tired child can get.

He hadn’t expected what happened next. Aaron picked him up, causing a small yelp from Alex as he managed to balance the nine-year old on his hip. He didn’t do anything for a bit, still getting over the surprise. After a bit, he put his head on his shoulder, and wrapped his arms around their neck. On any other day, he would’ve tried to get out of their grasp, but he was simply too tired and was grateful he no longer had to walk.

Aaron smiled to himself as Alex basically instantly fell asleep, it was odd to have the other this quiet. Earlier that same day he was talking his ear off and now, he was quiet. He kept walking, knowing that they would be home in a bit.  

This was one of the shortest I've done, I think- Like, besides the colouring one, that is. 

I do hope you enjoyed it though. Hope you have a good day!

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