The Proposal

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I know I said no ships, but this idea popped into my head, and I just had to do it. Also, this is set in a modern-medieval time? Or like, just a mix world between historical and modern.

The sun could be seen slowly dipping under the horizon. The two males simply watched, one smiling contently, happy to be here with his lover, watching the sun set. To him t’was a lovely day, and a lovely sight, everything had gone wonderfully, minus a few slip ups here and there.

The other had tried to look the same but could not stop the nervousness from seeping into his features. He had a plan. Not really a complicated one, but he didn’t know how the other would react. He hadn’t known how he would go about bringing it up either; doing this correctly would be a challenge.

He glanced down at their intertwined fingers, trying to remind himself that whatever happened, they would stay with him. He began going through all the events of that day, though most of it was a blur as it had gone by rather quickly. One of the more prominent events of the day just so happened to be when he took the other to a small hill for a picnic.  

Perhaps he was doing a bit much; he remembered how happy the other had been when they had first arrived there and just seeing his smile, made all his concerns slip away. His original plan was to go to the docks and have the picnic there, so as to have a better look at the sunset. Though admittedly he scraped that idea when he remembered how much the other hated water. Was a shame as well, he was looking forward to it.  

They had arrived a while before the sun had come remotely close to coming down and they had been there for a very long time.

Now here they were, sitting on a blanket, watching the sun slowly disappear behind the horizon. T’was a sight. A wonderful one at that, but it seemed as though he had been trapped in his thoughts for a bit too long.

“Jack?” The grip on his hand tightened and the concern that laced the other’s voice was enough to pull him out of his thoughts and back to reality. He looked at them, easily seeing the concern that laced his features. “Are you alright?” They turned their body to face him, placing their free hand onto his cheek. The ends of his lips turned up slightly as he leaned into the touch.

“Aye. Just thinking is all.”  He received a hum from the other as they moved their hand a bit, taking a bit of John’s hair and curling it round their finger. “What about?” He took a deep breath, staying quiet for a few moments. How was he to answer his question and not give anything away? “Nothing of import.” He answered, silently hoping the other would not question it. In hindsight he should have known better, it was Alexander he was talking about.   

“Surely it couldn’t have been nothing important, it took your attention away from me after all.” His eyes averted as he now stared at John, who in turn, looked towards the ground. He wasn’t entirely fond of lying to the other but, in this case, it was necessary. Even so, no lie came out of his mouth. “So, what is it?”  

He let out a breath, there was no way he could get out of this now. Though he should still try. “Ah, it’s silly but-” He cut himself off. Perhaps this was better due for another day. He looked back up to the other, only to see his head tilted slightly and a curious look in his eyes. He supposes it was all in due time.

“Do you… Love me?” He managed to get out, it was certainly the worst way to bring about this topic but, the damage has already been done. Alex, clearly surprised by the question, retracted his hands, and folded his arms. This action made John rather nervous, although he knew the answer, it didn’t stop a part of his mind from thinking otherwise.

He watched as Alex started to chuckle, shaking his head slightly. This confused John and he raised an eyebrow, giving a questioning look. What on earth could he be laughing at? “Oh, you old fool.” Ouch. “Of course, I do. Why would I be dating you if I hadn’t?” Alex offered a loving smile, which John instantly returned.

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