John just wants a boyfriend

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(Collage AU)

It was your regular Saturday afternoon and John was sitting on his couch scrolling through his phone. He wasn’t one to do this but today he didn’t have much of a choice as his roommate, Lafayette, was laying down on the other couch talking to whoever on his phone. It was probably his boyfriend if John was to be honest with himself.

He wishes he had a boyfriend, you know? Someone to do things with? Someone that would love you unconditionally and make you feel, well, loved. Must be nice. He groaned at the thought, knowing that he should probably stop before he started thinking intently about it and ended up stuffing his face with ice-cream while watching sad movies again. That had happened twice already, and he didn’t really want to make it a third.  

John switched off his phone and tossed it to the side, no longer having any interest in it. He put one hand on his face and sunk further into the couch, letting out a sigh. “I just want a boyfriend…” He muttered, moving his hand from his face, letting it lay limply at his side, as it hung from the couch.

Laf looked up from his place on the couch, seemingly hearing what the other had said. He immediately said a quick goodbye to who he was talking to, hanging up. He sprang up from his place from the couch, now standing on his two feet. This seemed to catch John off guard, as he stared at Laf with a slightly shocked expression.

“It’s about time bitch-” He had a smile on his face, one hand on his hip, while the other stayed to his side. “About time? About time for what?” John asked confused, pushing himself into a sitting position and stared at Laf, who just rolled his eyes. “For you to admit to wanting a boyfriend. I was convinced you liked being single.”

John looked at him, absolutely astonished. Where on earth did he get that idea? Wasn’t his third wheeling enough? “‘Like being single’? You joined me last week when I was stuffing my face with ice-cream, ugly crying, while watching romance movies!” He pointed a finger accusingly at the other, who scoffed. “I thought it was just a really good romance movie-!”

“You watched it! You knew it was shit-”

“I thought you just liked really shitty movies!”

“That’s the equivalent to watching crap telly, and I have better taste than that-”

“No you don’t-”

“Yes I do!”

“Don’t lie to yourself mon ami, you really don’t.”

John let out a huff, folding his arms sinking into the couch with a pout. Laf chuckled at this, walking past John and making his way over to the bookshelf on the other side of the room. “Don’t worry, everyone has their guilty pleasures.” He scanned the mostly untouched books before finding what he was looking for. He pulled it out, dusting it off a bit. He turned around and made his way over to John, fully aware of the other’s glare.

“It’s just that yours so happens to be crap television.” When he was close enough, he ruffled John’s hair only to have his hand swatted away. “Don’t touch my hair.” John warned, causing Laf to put his hands up in surrender. “Okay, okay.”

He put his hands back down, sitting down next to John, showing him the book that he still held. John looked at it curiously, raising an eyebrow and glancing back at Laf. “What’s uh, what’s this?” He looked back at the other, only to see the confused expression and smiled a bit.

“This is a book I put together for you and some of our friends if they ever wanted to get into a relationship. I don’t have anything specific for anyone, just options.” He explained. “Weird.”

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