82- Destiny Part 2

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HI everyone 💕 hope your week is going great (if not.... Just hang in there, it's almost Friday 😘❤)

Before we get into the sad chapter...  I want to ask you something to light up the mood....

What you do think would be Adora's, Catra's, Glimmer's and Bow's karaoke songs (it could be individually or a duet or all together)

Ok! on to the torture..... Have fun❤

Adora's PoV

"The Heart is primed and ready. Commencing activation" I hear Light Hope say as I scream for the unbearable pain going through my body. I manage to hold back the magic just enough to talk to her, I look up at the sky and is completely cover by stars

'We are not in Despondos.... She took us away! If she sets off the Heart it will be the end of everything'

"Look at all these stars, these worlds. They will all be destroyed....." I shout desperately

".....Mara sacrificed her life to stop this from happening" I say brokenly trying to convince her to stop this

"Mara......" she gasps with feeling again

".....Mara would not want me to..." she starts to reconsider but glitches again

".....Mara was a traitor. She turned against her people" she says coldly

"Mara was your friend. She knew you were more than just a program, and so do I..... You can stop this" I grunt through the pain

"I am not as strong as Mara. I cannot change my programming....." she says sorrowly but then looks back at me coldly

".....This is our destiny" she shouts strongly as she raises her arm, making the sword lift

"No! This is not my destiny" I shout angrily as I pull the sword down

"You will comply" she demands as she raises the sword again and fights against me to raise it

"No, no, no" I scream desperately as I lose the fight and the sword lifts into the sky. All the magic of the heart passing through me to be used against the planet. I look at the hologram behind her and all the Runestones are at their brightest

I look down at the one in the middle, the Heart of the planet, the one that represents the Etherian Warrior's magic, my girlfriend's magic and it's barely lighted, so weak that it looks almost off

'No!....she is dying, I can't lose her.. I can't.... I can't fail.... I need to stop this.... I...'

"It is time" Light Hope says proudly. I grunt angrily pulling the sword down

"I won't be controlled. I am not a piece of their machine. I am not a weapon....." I grunt as I fight against the sword

"......And I'm going to end this now" I shout proudly as I fight with all my strength

"No. Stop. Don't...." she says coldly

"....Do it..... Do it....." she fights to say as she keeps glitching

".....Don't..... Don't.....

.....Do it" she says finally taking back her control. I scream as loud as I can, switching the position of the sword, blade pointing to the ground and with my last bit of strength left...... I push it to the ground......

My World(s)? She-ra Fanfic AdoraxReader And A Certain KittyWhere stories live. Discover now