chapter 4

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Author's notes

Hey yall! I just wanted to apologize for some grammar mistakes during chapters, I don't know why but my broker trades He for Her
I will try to pay more attention but I ask you to be patient and understand that English is not my native language.
And above all thanks for those who are reading this story, it means a lot to me. kisses <3

- Venus A.

Narrator POV

"what matters is that we feel good"

"have you ever felt any kind of attraction to someone of the same gender?" Izzy felt a strong tightening in her heart, took a deep breath, and decided to answer truly

"M- me? I- think so..." he was nervous, stuttering and even shaking a little. "T- that was a kind of unexpected question right?"

Duff smiled slightly at the albino's nervousness in answering a simple question. He really wanted to see Stradlin's expression at that moment.

"That really was an unexpected question," he paused in his speech, shifting his body slightly on the mattress. He stayed like that for a few seconds, quiet, but it seemed like an eternity, he was also nervous, he just couldn't tell if it was about the fact of what he was thinking about doing right now or a panic attack triggered by the cocaine he had snorted more early, which acted as a trigger for his anxiety. He took a deep breath and opened his mouth a few times, mentally cursing himself for not being able to say or do anything right away. "And... can I try something with you?" Isbell, in turn, felt his blood run cold, his heart was out of step, he could hardly breathe. Michael was apparently calm, at least physically, he knew it would put an end to his doubts about... let's say... his doubts about izzy, about that attraction he had for him.

"I- I...c - can... yes, I trust you" that last part rang totally true, indeed that was true. Jeff blindly trusted McKagan

Duff then pulled izzy from his bed to the mattress on the floor. It was a scare, that was even more unexpected than the question asked earlier. That space they shared was minimal, and they were still facing each other. Their eyes were connected, their bodies were glued together, and god, this felt wonderful for both of them. Breaths clashed. Jeffrey felt his cheeks heat up. Michael took one of his hands on one the albino's cheeks, which in turn felt a shiver all over his body. McKagan's digits traced a line across the dark-haired boy's face, who was ecstatic from it all. He stopped at a specific spot on Izzy's face, just below the cheek, one corner of Stradlin's mouth, caressed the spot. Michael had never been so kind and caring to anyone, not even a girl, but that was izzy, his izzy. every time he looked at the black-haired boy he saw a sculpture, a vase carved in crystal by the very hands of the gods, he would not risk breaking it at all, even knowing that this was impossible because everything was a metaphor about his feelings for the boy in front of him.

The boy with the brown orbs was a complete mess. first that talk about feeling attracted to people of the same gender, and now this? wondered what would come next. however, it wasn't necessary, as duff did so and gently touched his lips to the albino's, who in turn didn't show any kind of resistance. at first it was supposed to be just a long peck without further ado, but that seemed necessary for both of them, it was a kind of necessity, so michael concentrated on deepening that, asking for passage to izzy, who eventually relented. he always imagined the taste of his best friend's mouth. Cigarettes. it tasted like cigarettes, the punk had loved it. it was all very slow, the way their tongues danced in each other's mouths, the way the punk handled it all by lightly holding a part of his best friend's face, it was good. however, everything that is good unfortunately doesn't last long, They had to be separated by the damn oxygen they lacked in their lungs. they stared at each other for a few seconds, took a breath. they could just forget about what had just happened and never talk about it again, but they chose to start over again. now with a kind of extra energy, an extra excitement, it had become insane. Now Izzy had one of his hands on the back of Mckagan's neck, pulling him closer and closer, the blonde on the other hand, he lowered the hand that was on the albino's face to his waist. Duff felt really turned on, he never thought he would feel that kind of feeling down his womb for another man, he was totally hard. Jeff was similarly turned on. Now, erections were bumping over those cloths. Everything seemed to depend on it, it was as if for a short period of time the world was falling apart. The damn oxygen ran out again, and this time they just tried to compose themselves, pulling air into their lungs, just staring at each other.

Izzy was the first to step out of that bubble, that atmosphere, back to reality. The reality in which I thought it all a bit wrong. He was simply confused by it, he had enjoyed it. I didn't want to discuss what happened now, "tomorrow" exists exactly for that, to avoid embarrassing conversations that could be postponed. Isbell just went back to his bed, burying his head in the pillow trying to, in a way, completely fails, to scare McKagan and that unexpected low from his thoughts. It was completely in vain. Duff had felt, he had felt an unusual kind of excitement just kissing Stradlin, it was pleasurable. He was willing to repeat this more often.

Next day.

(08:50 am)

That morning Jeffrey had woken up first. He cleaned up and decided to wear only baggy shorts and a Queen T-shirt. He went down to the kitchen to prepare something for them to eat. As he descended the stairs, he noticed that his mother's coat was sprawled on the couch. She had definitely come home from work, was probably sleeping at this time since she worked late into the night. He made coffee and some pancakes, jeff knew at least how to make a decent breakfast. He heard some footsteps, a few seconds later the blonde entered the kitchen. The bubble of nervousness around Izzy reigned supreme.

"good morning" duff said while stretching "wow, that smells good! are they pancakes?"

"Yes, they are..." he replied, noticing all the details present in the man in front of him. He was attractive even when he had just woken up. He was wearing the same clothes as a few hours ago, only now he was worried about wearing pants "By the way, good morning."

They just sat at the table without commenting anything else. That atmosphere was heavy. They were too tense about the events of the night before. They stared at each other every now and then, and that was all. They ate in silence. Michael was hating all of that, that tension and all that silence, he hated eating in silence, hated the way he'd screwed up their entire years-long relationship out of just silly curiosity. took courage and decided to put a stop to it.

"Sorry, I fucked up, shouldn't have done that yesterday..." duff expressed a great hurt in his speech, in his expression, in his gestures, which was quickly noticed by jeff.

"Okay, no need to apologize... I... I kind of liked it" For a second he neglected his speech, the albino had said too much. McKagan was totally static, too much information for just one day.

"Serious?!" Izzy just nodded. The "damage" had been done, there was no turning back. "Well, I liked it too...I think what matters is that we feel good." And that made a lot of sense now. They had felt wonderful during all that contact, felt an indescribable pleasure, so it made no sense to stop. No matter how wrong society judged, it just didn't matter. "So..." he got up from his chair,causing by mere impulse the other to do the same. He approached the boy with the blue orbs slowly. The atmosphere wasn't so heavy now, the sentence said earlier softened that. The punk got even closer, stopped only when he managed to hold the shorter man's face with both hands. They were looking at each other in a really intense way "I want to know...I want to know what you felt at that moment." pronounced it in a whisper against other's lips.

Author's notes

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Author's notes

I really hope you enjoyed this chapter, comments and criticism are very welcome and appreciated. I promise to update soon.
Stay safe. <3

- Venus A.

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