chapter 5

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Narrator POV

| signal loss.

"I want to know...I want to know what you felt at that moment." uttered it in a whisper against other's lips

  Duff had never felt that kind of feeling for another man. It was insane. A road with no return. He was feeling it all over again. His face burned, he was completely goose bumps, his heartbeat accelerated, all that because of that damned proximity, that damned question that he couldn't answer because he just didn't know a way to explain with simple words the sensation felt that morning.

"I-I can't explain" answered honestly "B-but it wasn't bad..."

"can I do it again?" Dean asked hopefully, still keeping a minimum distance between himself and the guy in front of him. For a second Andrew's breathing stopped. He really didn't believe in that, in those words, everything was completely confused, his body gestures, the feelings and even he couldn't control his legs, which were now as weak as gelatin. He had never been on the opposite side of the coin, usually he was the one taking the first steps and the "commands", he was usually in control of the situation. He didn't know how to answer that question, so, with all the fear in him, he just gently cupped the sides of Izzy's face, stroking them right away. He tried not to maintain visual contact and nodded immediately, but it was impossible, impossible not to appreciate the deep honey-colored orbs of the boy in front of him. Izzy put his face close to Andrew's, the albino was panting, his heart racing. Soon the lips of both were already glued to each other, the need for it was huge, so they already tried to deepen the kiss. Michael gripped Stradlin's waist tightly. That was all... Let's say it's normal, until they heard a familiar and somewhat terrified voice.

"Jeffrey Dean Isbell!" the two parted immediately, scared, surprised "But what the fuck is this?!"

"I-I can explain Mrs. Isbell..." duff tried to justify himself, it was in vain

izzy was shaking completely, he was totally scared. he feared for the future, feared for what would happen after that.

"Your parents will know about this!" she was visibly nervous, flashing anger without any description "and now, please, get out of my house!"

Mckagan just whispered "it's going to be okay" to the albino and did as ordered right away.

The rest of the day had been hell for Izzy, his mother screaming and blaming him for everything wrong in the universe. She didn't accept her little boy kissing another guy, she was just another bore, a homophobic bore among so many others in that rough town. she could be a mother in a million and respect her child, but on the contrary, she decided to take the wider path, the path of hate, the path to which the most parents did. Jeff couldn't take it, it had never happened before, now he saw his mother, such a lovely woman passing from water to wine, a woman he admired becoming something so despicable. Until the last second of that damn Sunday she managed to destroy Isbell little by little, with prejudiced jokes, curses and religious parables that condemned people who could only love. But anyway, with all that going on in his head, he knew, knew he was right, right are those who contradict the system, the rebels, yes they are always sure not to follow the damn mass who believe in prejudiced standards created by men and for worldly men.

Next Day.

(Sunday,  05:30 a.m)

thus began another day in hell, I mean, school. he woke up, did everything he had to do, and followed his destiny. He was tormented, he didn't know if his dear mother had contacted his best friend's parents. that would only make matters worse, since Mckagan's parents are ten times worse than his mother, they didn't pay as much attention to their son, and when they did, it was to judge him on something.

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