chapter 23

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Narrator ON

"hes not here.." is the first thing axl thinks when looking for izzy. He searched over every single place of la, just after calls and calls he actually found were izzy sometimes bought heroin. so he went to the train station.
he felt sick by seeing all of those kids lost to prostitution, he denied his search leads him to the bathroom and it only takes him a few seconds to find izzy laying on the ground. hes lying there in his own vomit, barely breathing, and axl's heart just drops when he sees him like this. hes so pale and hes so still. hes not even moving at all and axl can see the heroin needle sticking out of his arm.

"my god..." axl says as he rushes to izzy's side. he takes the needle out of his arm and he rolls him over on his side to make sure hes breathing at least. his skin is ice cold and his body is shaking slightly. all he can do is just hold him and all he can think about is how this is gonna ruin their whole tour. there's no way they can keep playing shows if izzy is like this so their whole tour will have to be canceled. all axl can do at this point is hope that he wakes up. he checks his pulse and keeps trying to make him breathe. he feels completely helpless though. even if izzy wakes up, he wont be well enough to play a show. they'd have to cancel the entire leg of this tour and axl just doesn't know how he's going to explain this to everyone else.
axl sits back and waits for his heartbeat to strengthen and for him to wake up. he holds his breath as he thinks about how angry everyone is going to be if they have to cancel the tour because of this. he doesn't know what hes going to do if izzy doesnt wake up soon. he wants to know that hes okay and he feels completely lost right now. he keeps watching for any movement or sign that he is still breathing or breathing more normally
after a few minutes, axl starts to notice that izzy's breathing gets slightly stronger. his heartbeat starts to get a little bit faster too and his skin starts to get a little bit warmer. after a few more minutes, izzy opens his eyes slightly and stares up at axl. the two of them are just staring at each other for a little bit and its clear that axl is just relieved that izzy is still alive

"hey.." izzy says in a very weak voice. axl cant believe this. how is he even still alive? his body just went through so much trauma and there was a needle still sticking out of his arm. how did he really survive all of that? axl cant even believe hes actually alive right now and he just takes a moment to process everything before he finally starts to speak.
izzy looks totally exhausted and he looks like hes barely even keeping his eyes open. he looks like he just cant even keep his eyes open after what just happened. he sounds weak and tired and he looks even worse. axl doesnt know if it would be okay for him to touch him but he cant help but just hold him and hug him out of relief that hes okay. he feels like so much just happened that was totally out of his control and he doesnt want to leave him alone right now.
izzy starts to cry once he is in axls arms and that just breaks his heart even more. he cant believe what just happened. he cant believe how close he was to dying and he cant believe that he really almost lost everything like that. he thought everything was over and yet he is still here and he is still alive and axl is here holding him and thats all that matters for right now.
izzy is finally conscious and in axls arms and for now, the only thing that matters right now is that he's safe. axl just hugs him and holds him in his arms and doesnt let go. hes not even sure if this would be alright but he doesnt know what to do and he just wants to make sure that his best friend is okay. hes finally conscious even though he is still very weak and very exhausted. for now, they can just be glad that hes okay and that theyre together. axl keeps him there and he holds him tighter and closer to him. he knows that izzy is exhausted and stressed and hes trying to be there for him. the two of them are still just standing there and they havent really said anything else. axl is just happy to be here and hes just holding izzy. to be honest, he kind of wants to keep holding him for as long as possible.the two of them just stand there for a few more minutes and finally, axl breaks the silence. he still seems completely speechless but he needs to ask him some things. "are you okay?" he says to him softly, izzy pauses for a few moments and then he nods. he doesnt want to talk too much because he just cant. in reality, hes really not okay but he dont want to get into it with axl right now. he needs some time to process everything and in a way, he just doesn't want to worry him.

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