chapter 24

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" Izzy later would leave the band, rumours say that he just wasn't happy with all that was going on."

because deep inside my bones i fell you
rip my clothes and yet you wont be capable to see what i am.

Izzy (POV)

I take my guitar from one of the roadies and fix it on me, I can't help noticing duff staring at me as he passed the bass strap down his neck. he didn't look at me in a threatening or angry way, he just stared at me blankly. I look up from my guitar to the bouncers opening the sort of cloth that divided the stage from the backstage, then the murmur of people outside the backstage became a sea of screams and they announced the band as we entered.

the show seemed so caotic and blurry to me, i dont really now why anymore, im so sick of breathing this whole air that sometimes i just hold my breath as much as i can till the point where i cant anymore, and like this, i can finally reach home – we are eternal.

The show was over and like every single show we handed our instruments to the roadies, not really paying attention to them. all soaked in sweat i shake my hands letting it drop to the floor, as soon as my gaze turned back to my front i realise duff is still staring at me just like on the beginning of the show

i glare him for a few seconds, but im is just looking right through him

"what?" i say with an irritated tone and i glance him, i seem to break the staring contest and just look away from him completely

"nothing." he mumbles

i got more irritated and frustrated and i speak with a harsher tone now "oh sure, just stare at me like that and dont even say anything, thats just fine."

"oh of course you have to start this" duff chuckles with no humour and roll his eyes "grow up izzy"

i get even more annoyed and speak back with a even more annoyed and harsher tone  "oh shut up. your the one that should grow up, you are always causing problems."

"me?" he point to himself chuckling

"yes you, stop acting like you're the innocent one in this, you're just doing a good job at putting all the blame on me"

"oh yeah yeah talk about it izzy!" he just shakes his hand and turn around sounding like he didnt care

i just glare at him more but i doesnt seem to want to say anything more. so i just roll my eyes and sigh. then i start to speak in a sarcastic tone."sure, blame everything on me. its never your fault, you never do anything wrong at all."

"oh stop being such a dick and shut up. just admit that you are just as bad as i am, stop trying to tell me that you are always in the right."

"fuck you izzy!" he points at me with an angry semblance

"oh wow, now you're actually gonna start cussing at me. well you can go ahead and say whatever because i dont care. i can say whatever i want and you cannot tell me shit about it." i shout

"oh yeah? well dont expect me to just sit here and listen to you. i dont have to take this crap from you. so you go and fuck yourself." he says

"yeah? well what are you gonna do? cause youre just a damn pussy and wont do anything about it." he continues

"oh yeah? and just like that what you just did? i should probably beat your ass for calling me that. you know what, you know what im gonna do, im gonna do exactly that you jerkoff. go ahead and try to stop me."

"do whatever you want. do you really think i care? i dont. you cant hurt me, i dont even care anymore. i have had enough of your bullshit, i dont wanna see you anymore, i never wanna talk to you in my life ever again. you're just a waste of my time, that is all. now piss off." he sound angrier

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