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Natasha was utterly fucked.

And it was definitely not in the good way.

Love was an unfamiliar feeling for the Russian, she had never been in love, and no one had ever loved her, to her knowledge of course. Natasha always kept herself closed off, it came with the job, it came with the Red Room training, she never let anyone in and she never let herself become weak and succumb to feelings that might've lingered within her.

So when the tall, ocean eyed, young and beautiful red head walked into the compound, and Tony announced her as their new teammate, Natasha knew she was fucked beyond repair.

Wanda had this aura about her, one that was full of sunshine, and warmth, and whenever you were in her presence the overwhelming urge to smile was there. Wanda always knew how to make people smile, even when they didn't want to. Her tales of her and her twin brother Pietro were enough to have the whole group of Avengers laughing around the table at dinner.

It was no lie to say that everyone was entranced by her. Everything she did was with grace, she even had Vision, who Natasha referred to as a walking microwave against his objections to the nickname, feeling something he's never felt before. Natasha wouldn't call it love at first sight but, the warm tingly feeling she got whenever she was around the Sokovian was enough for to call it close enough.

Natasha tried to avoid interaction with Wanda, not knowing how she would react when her full attention was brought upon her. It was always a quick "Hi" from Natasha when she walked in the kitchen to grab food, followed by a soft "Bye" as she exited and wound her way through the compound back to her room to eat in silence.

This wasn't unusual behavior for Natasha, she did like to keep to herself, so the rest of the team didn't think anything of it when she grabbed dinner and then disappeared for the rest of the night. She enjoyed the quiet, she loved sitting on her window bench and looking out at the sky, and all of the stars that littered it as she enjoying the well-prepared meal Wanda seemed to make every night. Natasha didn't think that woman could get any more perfect.

Wanda on the other hand, thought differently. She noticed the way Natasha was around her. Constantly avoiding eye contact and she was appalled by the fact that Natasha barely spoke any words to her when she first arrived. Wanda knew Natasha was the only other woman, besides herself, that was on the team, and she thought the two of them could be friends. With all of the testosterone on the compound, Wanda sure as hell wanted a woman companion to talk to. And Natasha, my god was she a sight. Her delicious, plump pink lips and her soft red hair and her toned body made her so enticing that Wanda wanted to get to know the woman more, but she was never given the chance.

So, Wanda stood in silence as she watched Natasha grab her dinner plate for the millionth time (yes, exaggerated) in a row since she had been there, and disappeared into her room. She waited a few minutes before she followed Natasha, hot on her trail. She watched from down the hall as she saw her fleeting form disappear into the room adjacent from hers, something Wanda had never noticed.

Wanda calmly made her way to the woman's door before knocking softly three times, debating with herself in her own mind exactly how she wanted to approach Natasha. She didn't want to come off rude, but she wanted to know why she was being avoided by her, and only her.

She could hear the rustling of someone behind the door before it swung open and she found Natasha, clad in just her bra and a pair of leggings. Wanda couldn't help herself and her eyes immediately fell to the other woman's chest, which caused Natasha to blush as she scrambled to grab a hoodie off of the floor to throw on.

To say Natasha was embarrassed was an understatement.

"I-I'm sorry, I thought you were Steve," Natasha spoke, while pulling the dark blue hoodie over her head. The statement caused Wanda to slightly frown. She could've sworn Steve wasn't seeing anybody, but maybe she was mistaken.

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