Never Have I Ever

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Wanda could hear the beat of the music coming from downstairs as she finished getting herself ready. Tony, as per usual, said that they needed to throw some extravagant party for Pepper. There were rumors of her being pregnant floating around the compound but until Wanda heard the news for herself, she chose to just let this be another party Tony decided to throw every week.

She gazed at herself in the mirror as she adjusted her blazer. Wanda wasn't fond of dressing up, so when she had to, she preferred to wear pant suits as an alternative to dresses. So, she adorned herself tonight with a pair of black, flowy pants with a bold red stripe down the side of each leg, accompanied by a scarlet red bralette and a black blazer, with matching red high heeled ankle boots.

She looked hot, and she knew she looked hot. Wanda was not ashamed of her looks nor her body and when she had the chance to flaunt what the good lord gave her, she took it, especially to impress a specific red head.

She noticed the casual gazes and the friendly flirtatious remarks she would receive from the older woman. She noticed how her eyes seemed to linger a little too much on Wanda whenever they accompanied the same space. She noted the sharp intake of breath every time Wanda would enter the room wearing none other than a revealing outfit and she would smirk to herself knowing the effect she was having on the woman.

All of these small things, all of the glances and the touches and the flirting lead to a now very sexually frustrated Wanda. Who if you were to ask her, was sick and tired of having to get herself off every night after one of their flirtatious encounters.

Wanda knew what she wanted. She knew she wanted to take the woman to bed, fuck her until she couldn't walk and make her, her own. She knew she wanted to jump her bones every time she saw her, and place soft kisses to those plump lips that she often found herself staring at. She wanted all of these things but it was as though Natasha wasn't so sure herself.

Natasha was obviously attracted to Wanda, but she had a hard way of showing her feelings, let alone letting someone in and fully giving her trust to them. She knew it was wrong to keep flirting with Wanda, to keep having her think that she wanted more when she just wanted a quick fuck. But she couldn't help the pang of jealousy that always seemed to find its way through her chest whenever she saw Wanda becoming too comfortable with another woman.

She had no reason to be jealous, Wanda wasn't hers, but she couldn't shake the feeling.

Wanda let out a sigh as she untied her hair from the braid that it was in, allowing her hair to fall down her back in naturally and almost too perfect waves. Her hair accentuated her face perfectly and brought out the green in her eyes, eyes that she noticed Natasha found herself staring into quite too many times to count.

She made sure she was presentable before making her way out of her room and down to the elevator to take her to the main area where Tony was throwing his party.

She could only hope and pray that this party wasn't extravagant, something small with the team and maybe a view of the S.H.I.E.L.D agents would be perfectly fine, she specifically liked a certain Yelena Belova that worked under Coulson but she would never admit the crush to herself as she was always too caught up in Natasha.

The elevator dinged, signally her arrival to the floor, and she walked off gracefully, heals clicking with the ground as she pushed her way into the living quarters, all eyes turning to her upon her entrance.

She raised an eyebrow at the eyes that were currently trained on her, scanning her own eyes around the room before they met the emerald ones that adorned the face of a very specific red head before speaking.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer." She spoke with a smirk on her face as she walked farther into the party and over to the bar. She smiled to herself when she saw that Natasha was behind the bar, serving drinks to everyone who came by. She was tired of waiting, waiting for her to make the first move so she was going to do whatever she could to get the Russian to break, after all, having the Black Widow in her bed is something she's wanted since the day she first laid eyes on her.

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