Midnight Sadness

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Hate is a strong word. A word that is used in the most extreme situations to describe how we feel about something. It isn't a word that should be used so lightly yet it is, and Wanda definitely uses it more often.

To say Wanda hated birthdays would be an understatement, if she could get rid of birthdays and just have every day be a normal day she would.

Growing up, Wanda like the idea of birthdays, she loved waking up as a little girl, running into the living room to see the presents that her parents had set out for her, with a balloon and a small cupcake with rainbow frosting, which was her favorite.

Wanda and her twin Pietro always had their own cupcake until they turned the young age of 10, and it was then that the two decided to share a cake, and one would blow out each numbered candle.

The fond memories of her childhood with Pietro were enough to bring tears to the young woman's eyes as she stared up at the starry night sky, hoping and praying that Pietro was watching over her.

Wanda glanced over at her nightstand, looking at the bright red numbers that lit up her clock, noting that the time read 11:55. She sighed to herself as she picked at her nails, not wanting it to be tomorrow, not wanting it to be her birthday.

This is the first birthday she will be celebrating without Pietro. The first birthday that he won't come running into her room to jump on her bed and wake her up. The first birthday that he won't be waiting in the kitchen with a freshly baked cake, and their age lit up with number candles as they blow them out together. The first birthday she'll be missing her second half.

It was to no surprise that Wanda and Pietro were inseparable growing up, and the pair grew when closer when their parents died. The love and adoration that Pietro had for his sister was incredible. She was so strong willed and brave even after everything they had been through and he couldn't of been a more proud older brother, even if he was only older by 12 minutes.

And Wanda felt the same way about Pietro, she looked up to her brother and saw nothing but good in him. He was so selfless, always putting others before himself. And he didn't have to run in front of Clint and the little boy he was trying to protect, but Pietro was Pietro so of course he did, taking his own life to spare that of a child.

Wanda was broken to say the least when Pietro died. The Avengers, as well as Clint's family, we're beyond grateful for the heroic act Pietro had done. So they took Wanda in under their wing and she was graciously accepted as one of their own. Wanda wasn't used to this, she wasn't used to the love from so many people, mainly because it had been just her and Pietro for the majority of their lives.

But she couldn't deny the fact that she loved all of the idiots, especially a certain red head. Wanda adored Natasha. Not only as an Avenger, but as a person. The Black Widow was one of the strongest and most will-powered woman that Wanda had ever encountered and Wanda immediately took a liking to her.

So it was to no surprise that the two of them hit it off quick, being the only two woman Avengers it left very few people for them to interact with, and Natasha loved having something other than testosterone invading her personal space.

Natasha felt sympathy for the young little witch when she first found out about Pietro. She was grateful for him, he had saved her best friends life, Natahsa would forever be in debt to Pietro and the sacrifice he made. She almost made it her mission to make Wanda feel welcome at the compound, to make her feel at home and that she wasn't alone, that she did have family even if half of them were raging idiots.

So it came to a shock that when Natasha was coming back from her late night walk around the compound, that she heard quiet sobs coming from Wanda's room.

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