Talking to the Moon

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Natasha never really showed her emotions, she was one to stay secluded off in her own little world, just observing everyone from afar. She never was close with many on the team, she had Clint and Steve who she would talk to when needed, but no one else.

She found it hard to open up to those around her, she was trained to get the job done, no strings attached. She did what she had to do and that was it, even if it meant sleeping with the enemy to get answers, Natasha would do it.

It wasn't until the Maximoff twins arrived that her walls started breaking down all because of a certain red head. Natasha wasn't sure if it was her smile or the warm aura that she carried with her, but Natasha felt safe around the young woman and found herself feeling things she had never felt before.

Wanda was a very easy going person, was always the first to spark a conversation about anything random just so she could find an excuse to talk to you. She was happy and bubbly and always smiled, making everyone around her do the same.

So it was to no surprise that Natasha was attracted to Wanda from the beginning. Besides the fact that Wanda was now the only other female on the team, Natasha felt the need to want to get to know the woman, to know what she liked and what she disliked.

The relationship between the two started off friendly, they were practically inseparable. Natasha did not hesitate to take Wanda under her wing and show her the ropes of what it's like to be an Avenger. She volunteered to help Wanda with her training and even, with much hesitation of course, allowed herself to be a test dummy for Wanda's powers. She had to learn to control them somehow.

All of this time spent with Wanda made Natasha realize that she liked Wanda more than a friend. She wanted Wanda, in every form that she could quite possibly get her. The late night movies and the nights spent tangled up in each other's arms had Natahsa falling hard for the younger woman, much quicker than she would of liked.

The feeling of love was foreign to the spy but nonetheless she accepted the feeling with open arms. She was excited to walk this uncharted territory with Wanda by her side.

Things were rough to begin with, it was hard for Natasha to open up about her feelings but she eventually began to trust a Wanda more and began to open up more, sharing details about her past and Wanda quite possibly couldn't of adored the strong woman in front of her more than she already did.

It had been about a year of the two dating before Natasha popped the question. It was a sight to be seen as Steve and Pietro led Wanda out to the compounds garden where Natasha was waiting for her, in an all white suit, with the biggest smile on her face.

Wanda undoubtedly said yes, grasping Natasha's face between her hands and planting a searing yet passionate kiss on her lips as she cried. Wanda didn't think she could ever be any happier than in this moment.

The couple was admist their wedding plans when they got called in on a mission, and their mission was Thanos. He had already gotten five of the infinity stones and the last one he needed was the one adorned on Vision's head.

The Avengers knew that this fight wasn't going to be an easy one. They had defeated a whole alien army and then continued to take out Ultron and his robotic slaves. One person couldn't hold them back, right?

They were completely unprepared for what hit them next. Thanos came prepared, with an army of his own to take down the Avengers. But, they didn't go down without a fight. They did everything they could to stop him, but their efforts fell short when Thanos successfully got the stone from Vision, completing his collection and within seconds he snapped his fingers.

Nothing happened for a few seconds, but then one after one, they began to drop, first it was Bucky, then it was T'Challa, and as Natasha was trapped under a pile of rocks, she watched, as the love of her life, the woman she was supposed to marry in two weeks, disappeared into thin dust as she floated away into the air.

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