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Wanda found herself waiting patiently (well, not really) outside of the conference room as Natasha was currently in the middle of a mission debriefing.

She was used to this, she was used to her girlfriend being pulled off on missions all of the time. Some days she would get to go on these missions with her and then there were other days where Natasha was just needed to go alone, and she figured this meeting was as such because she didn't see any other team members go in the room with her.

It was the door to the conference room opening that snapped Wanda out of her thoughts. She looked up, half expecting to see her girlfriend exiting the room and making her way over to her. But what she saw instead made her blood boil.

There he was, Mr. Captain America, exiting the room alongside Natasha, the two chatting away as smiles adorned both of their faces. Steve couldn't resist wrapping an arm around her as they walked and talked. Wanda scoffed, of fucking course. Of course, the one-time Wanda doesn't get asked to go on a mission with Natasha, she's going with Steve, how great.

Wanda made her way over to the two. Natasha heard the sound of footsteps and turned to see Wanda making her way over to them. She began to panic, internally of course because Natasha Romanoff does not panic.

"Baby what are y-" Natasha was cut off mid-sentence when she felt the hands of her partner grab her face and pull in her in for a kiss. Natasha, taken back at first, couldn't help herself from melting into the kiss, grabbing Wanda's hips and deepening the kiss.

The moment was interrupted when the sound of someone clearing their throat was heard echoing in the hallway. Wanda pulled away from the kiss, slightly still irritated but a bit calmer under the touch of her girlfriend.

Steve stood there, an annoyed look in his face as he had his arms crossed across his chest, obviously angered by the scene Wanda just made.

"Oh, sorry Steve, didn't see you there." Wanda said as she wiped some smeared lipstick off of her lips. Steve scoffed and just rolled his eyes.

"Right, of course. I'll see you later Nat." Steve said as he turned to walk away, Wanda shot him daggers as he made his way down the hall, and if looks could kill, Steve would be dead.

"Are you okay?" Natasha spoke gently to the woman in front of her, reaching a hand up to softly rub her cheek. Wanda relaxed under her touch and placed a small kiss to the palm of her hand.

"I'm fine..." Wanda lied. Of course, she wasn't fine.

"I think you're lying to me." Natasha stated.

"Well no shit."

"It's about Steve isn't it?" She questioned and Wanda just tilted her head and looked at her.

"Are you kidding me right now?"


"Of course, it's about Steve!" Wanda said pointedly.

Natasha just stared at the now aggravated woman in front of her. She didn't understand what Wanda could be upset about. She went on missions all of the time so that wasn't new to their relationship, it came with the job and with both of them being Avengers, they understood that.

She stood there and sat for a second, what's so wrong with her going on a mission with Steve. Immediately Natasha realized exactly why Wanda was upset. It wasn't the mission at all, it was Steve.

"Wands, you can't be serious. We've been over this."

"Natasha." Wanda warned but she continued on.

"How many times do I have to tell you that Steve is the reason why I like woman."

Wanda sighed and rubbed her temple.

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