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Wanda woke up to the sun streaming in through the windows and cascading on her bed, illuminating the once dark room with the bright light of morning dawn. Today just wasn't a regular day, and maybe that's why when Wanda finally managed to peel her eyes open, she thought the sun was shining brighter and that the flowers seemed more colorful and the birds were chirping their bird tunes extra loud.

She laid in the soft bed of her hotel room for a minute, staring out the window and taking in the views of the city. A smile began to spread across her face as she sat up and stretched away the sleep that was trying to still consume her body. A soft sigh escaped from her lips as she let out a squeal of excitement before finally climbing out of the bed.

She was getting married today.

Wanda never dreamed that this day would ever come, with all of the bad luck and misfortune that cursed her life for the longest time, she never thought she would fall in love, and find her best friend, the love of her life, and the one she would marry. She never thought that spilling coffee on a complete stranger would soon bring her some of the happiest days of her life.

Thinking back to how her and Natasha met caused her to laugh. It's a vivid memory that she plans on keeping planted right at the front of her brain for the rest of her life. A story she hopes to tell their kids and grandkids, maybe one day.

The day was off to almost a perfect start, a little too perfect if you were to ask Wanda but she wasn't complaining. The all too perfect morning was suddenly brought to a halt when a tight knot began forming in Wanda's throat. It wasn't an unfamiliar feeling to the woman but it sure was a feeling that she wasn't about to accept with open arms.

She quickly smacked her hand across her mouth as she ran to the bathroom. She quickly lifted the lid to the toilet in just enough time as she could no longer contain the contents that she was now forcefully vomiting up. It took a few minutes for her to calm down, wiping at the tears that formed in her eyes at the violent nature of her sickness.

She let out a breath and sat down on the bathroom floor, wiping at her mouth with a piece of toilet paper and holding her head. Great, now she was about to have a splitting headache on her wedding day.

As she sat there and quite literally contemplated life, it's almost as if a light bulb went off in her head, and her eyes widened.

"Oh fuck." She mumbled to herself as she hurried to lift herself off of the cold tiles of the bathroom floor and back into the main area of the hotel room, searching for her phone.

She successfully found the item that she was looking for within minutes, and shakily pulled up the contact to tie only person she knew she could trust with this information. She clicked call on the contact and held the phone up to her ear as the shrill of the dial tone rang in her ear.

It took a few rings before the person she reached finally picked up.

"Wanda you better have a damn good reason as to why you're waking me up at the ass of dawn." The woman grumbled on the other end, obviously awoken by the phone call.

"Yelena, I need you." Wanda shakily spoke, the sign of tears evident in her voice and this caused the woman on the other end of the line to wake up more.

"Wanda? Is everything okay? You're not having second thoughts, are you?" Yelena sounded panicked. Don't get her wrong, she absolutely loved and adored Wanda, but she also loved her sister, and she would not hesitate to kick Wanda's ass if she broke her heart.

"No, no. God no, it's not that, it's, uhm..." Wanda hesitated for a second, not sure exactly how to ask the next question she needed to ask. She bit her nails anxiously as she thought of how to form her words.

WandaNat - A Collection of One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now