I Wish I Were...

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a/n: thank you for almost 1k reads, truthfully means a lot to me! i'm working on writing a fic that should be up soon on ao3, feel free to find my account there to read it before it post it here! i'm sorry for the pain you are about to endure.

Wanda rounded the corner following behind Steve. She gripped the sleeves of her jacket as she did, holding it close to her as the jacket seemed to bring her some sense of comfort. She was quiet, didn't say much as she watched Steve stand and wait for the rest of the team to meet up with them.

She looked up when she saw movement, hands filling with her red wisps of energy but it quickly fading away as she saw Natasha, Clint, and her brother turn the corner and enter the area.

Wanda let out a breath at seeing her brother still alive, before moving to him quickly and wrapping him in a tight hug.

"I'm alright baby sister." Wanda huffed slightly but didn't bother to make a comment about the nickname, she was just happy that he was safe, and she was thanking Clint and Natasha in her head as she did so for protecting him.

"Does anyone know where Tony and Bruce went?" Steve asked as the pair approached him, Wanda stayed behind with Pietro as they watched from afar. No matter how much Steve may assured her that they were no longer the enemy, that they trusted them and wanted them apart of the team, she was still wary about the whole idea.

It's only ever been the two of them since their parents died. They relied on each other for everything. Pietro always made sure he had Wanda's best interests at hand when making decisions for them. She knew she could trust her brother's judgement, she knew that if he thought the Avengers weren't trustworthy then he would have taken off with her by now.

"Is that my jacket?" She heard the words fall easily off of the lips of the Russian, who's stare was on her, she felt the gaze and looked up, making eye contact with Natasha before quickly diverting her gaze back to the ground.

"She's with us." Steve stated quickly.

"That still doesn't explain the jacket." Natasha shot back, eyes still trained on Wanda's figure as she watched woman shift uncomfortably under her gaze, avoiding all eye contact. Natasha smirked slightly, she liked that she made the girl uncomfortable. She liked that she was able to get under the girl's skin so easily. What she didn't expect, was to also like the way the jacket looked on Wanda.

Natasha shook her head slightly, trying to get the thoughts out of her head, but as they made their way out of the covered area and back into the fighting zone, she couldn't help herself as her eyes stayed trained to Wanda the whole time. The way the jacket moved with her perfectly, hugged her curves just right and the fact that she couldn't zip the jacket over her breasts had Natasha almost drooling. Natasha was fucked.


It wasn't until a few days later, Natasha returning from her morning run, wiping her forehead with a towel as she entered her room. Completely ready for the nice cold shower she was about to have. She stopped in her tracks when she noticed a neatly folded article of clothing placed on her bed with a piece of paper on it. That wasn't there when she left this morning.

She approached the bed and picked up the article of clothing, only to realize that it was her jacket from a few days ago. The jacket that Wanda was wearing as she fought Ultron. The jacket she didn't really want back because she'd rather see Wanda wear it.

She picked up the not that fell and her eyes grazed across the letter, a small smile forming across her face as she did so.


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