Chap 2

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----- (Antonio) -----

--- past ---

"Hey Antonio, can you pass me the bag?" His mother asked from the passenger seat. He was 18 almost 19 and was heading to his foot ball game.

"Here you go, mama." Antonio handed her the bag. At that exact moment, a carhorn was heard. They both turned to Antonio's father, who was honking and trying to swerve out of the way of the large cargo truck.

They swerved, and Antonio's belt tightened around him. The fearful screams of the three Carriedo's joined the panic filled air. The impact made everything worse. The air stilled and both police and ambulance sirens were heard not that far off.

Antonio felt weight on his legs. He hoarsely called out to his mother and father.

"Mama, Papa...." He tried to get free from under the weight, but felt light headed.

"Hijo, we love you, no matter what happens." His father whispered in a raspy voice.

"No! Mama, papa! Don't leave me! Don't do this to me!" They only smiled at him, tears streaming down their eyes. Antonios heart clenched and ached at the thought of being alone. They held hands, despite the blood. Thier blood, mingling with each others. The parents held hands, shared a kiss, then looked at their son.

Their whispering voices quivered, fading into the air.

"We love you, Antonio." Then their eyes slowly closed, and their grip on each other didn't loosen.

In the back seat, Antonio was balling and sobbing, his tears fading into his bloodied shirt.

"Mama, papa..." His eyes closed, letting a scream of pain from the top of his lungs, mourning his family. Calls from the police men, fire fighters, and peramedics alike began to fill the air. What seemed like hours but were probably just minutes, the weight was lifted off his legs, and several pair of arms reached out to the Carriedo's, pulling them out of the accident. Behind, Antonio can see how bad the accident was.

The car was snapped in two, but not quite completely, the cargo truck landed on the rear of the car while it was crushed on a tree.

The driver of the truck was being dragged out, he was impaled in the chest by a peice of metal, and was still breathing quickly in ragged breaths, but went limp only seconds later. That must have been the most painful way to die, alone and not being able to tell your loved one 'I love you'.

Antonio was picked up and placed on a stretcher. His head was fuzzy and his body, numb. He couldn't keep his eyes open and what ever the paramedics were saying was being faded by the sirens, and the fact that he suddenly felt very tired.

"Te.... amo... ma... ma... pa... pa...." His world faded into vast black emptiness.

--- Present ---

Antonio was walking to his room, his feet heavy. He was already living his own life at the age of 20, and was now 25.

The stress was eating at him, and he changed direction to go to the bathroom. He took the large, dull knife he kept in the back of his drawers. After his parents died, he found that this seemed to relieve him of the world.

He pulled his sleeve up to reveal cuts and scars of all different sizes. Two, however, stood out. One was cut near his artery, on an attempt to suicide. The other was even bigger, underneath all the scars running down his fore arm was a scar from the accident.

He sighed, running the knife on his finger to determine how far he would need to press it. A small drop of blood ran down from the cut on his finger. He then ran the knife over old scars on his arm, watching the thick red liquid run down to the sides of his arm, falling on the tile floor.

Several cuts later, he wiped his knife, shoving it into the back of the drawer and cleaning up, wrapping a bandage loosly around his arm to prevent anyone from seeing.

Antonio still felt a bit depressed, so he decided to go on a walk to the market. He was out of tomatoes anyways.

A black sweater made its way on Antonio's body, and he stepped outside, locking his door behind him.

He wondered. What would it be like to fall in love? What is it like to be with a loved one? Will he ever know those feelings of love? How does it feel to say 'I love you'? What does it feel like to be told, 'I love you'?

His mind was filled with questions, and he continued on his way to the market. Usually he would grow his own tomatoes, but he hadn't been able to go grow any.

Antonio closed his eyes in thought, then bumped into something or someone.

"Oh! I'm so sorry! Pardon m-" he plastered a fake smile on his face and looked up to apologize who he bumped into. He stopped when he saw the tattoo logo on one of their shoulders, the sleeve being ripped off and all.

The dark haired mafia member smirked, then pushed Antonio into the nearest ally.

"Pardon us, but we would like to ask some questions." The leader of the small group stepped up, his voice had a dark aura, but a hint of kindness sprinkled in with it.

"Um, uh sure!" Antonio scratched the back of his head, chuckling nervously. "W-what would you l-like to know?" He inched as far back as he could before his back hit the brick wall.

A few questions later, and a motorcycle could be heard coming from outside the alley. Antonio felt relieved for a second, thinking it was a police. He tensed when the members parted to reveal a man with a white button down shirt, leaving some of the top buttons unbuttoned and the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, a thin black tie hanging loosely around his neck, and black slacks. Very handsome as Antonio could tell so far.

The man was obviously one of the higher ups, seeing as the parted for him. The man seemed tense when he looked at Antonio. Or he thought the man was looking at him. He had a motorcycle helmet on and the glass was tinted, so he couldn't really tell where he was looking at.

"Leave this one to me. Once you find out enough go back. Tell the others." He waved a hand at them to dismiss them. They filed out, leaving their leader behind hesitantly.

"Who are you?" Antonio relaxed a little now that the intimidating men weren't in his presence.

"That is nothing important. Go home if you know what's good for you." Lovino began to turn around, leaving the Spaniard behind.

"B-But I still have to buy tomatoes!" Lovino tensed again.

"You like tomatoes?" He asked, looking over his shoulder, a hint of interest in his voice.

"Yes! They are so good and-" Antonio was happy to know someone with the same favorite food as him, but was cut off by no other than mystery man.

"Enough. Go home. It's not safe out at dusk. " Lovino left with a single glance back at Antonio.

He was planning to send one of his members to follow him, then in the morning he would leave a gift of home grown tomatoes at his door.

He drived to another base that housed some of his members. The bases were scattered all over Europe, so there was no information he can't get.

"Oi!" He walked in, and a man greeted his leader.

"Yes?" He stood on a small stool, and was reaching up to the ceiling, replacing the light bulb. He got down and faced Lovino.

"I want you to go get the address of a certain person. Messy brown hair, green eyes. Spaniard. He was alley 14 a while ago. When you found him, just send me information on where he lives." He strutted out without a single word.

"Of course, Lovino." He then followed him out the door, getting on his own motorcycle and both going their seperate ways.

----- Here ye go! Hope ye like it! -----

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