Chap 10

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Lovino didn't hesitate to answer the doctor.

"Give me the bad news." He straightened himself out, holding out his professional and dangerous vibe.

"He self harms and has lost about 12 ounces of blood on his last inflection." Lovino had to clench his fist to keep from hurting an innocent human being. 

"And the good news?" Lovino bit his lip. This better be the best good news he has ever heard if he wants to rival the bad news.

"He is now stable and you may visit him in half an hour." The doctor looked at him and then at the potato muncher. 

"Do you have any news on Feliciano Vargas?" Lovino asked, scared that he might have lost his only twin brother without knowing what the fuck his favorite color is. Like hell Lovino was going to let that happen.

"Well, what are you to him?" The doctor flipped through some of the papers on her clipboard, sighing.


"Interesting. It lists here that he has no brother." She looked at me skeptically.

"Friend." I changed my answer.

"Fine then. He has a very small percentage that he will survive the night. The bullet had grazed his diaphragm and part of his lower lung. Apparently, the boyfriend of his and he alone can not afford such surgery to lessen the damage to the point his body heals itself."

"Where do I pay?" Lovino took out his wallet, staring at the doctor.

"Over there." She tapped the clipboard and then gazed into Lovino's threatening ones. 

"Do the surgery right now. I'm paying." Without a word, He walked over to the receptionist and glanced at her. "This is the place you pay for surgeries, right?" The man nodded, finally looking up as his eyes widened and his skin paled.

"You are...."

"Yes, whatever. Put this for Feliciano Vargas' surgery, and how much would Antonio Carriedo's surgery be?" 

"About 3000 In US dollars and-"

"2761.67 in Euros. Put that in for his surgery."

The young man looked at the Italian, shaking his head as he filed the payment for the surgeries.

Lovino cautiously looked at the man before he went back to the waiting room, sitting next to the blond and slumping down in his seat.

"You're welcome, potato bastard." He blankly watched the wall,his eyes dimming.

"Vhat did jou do?" He turned in his seat to watch the other male curiously, his tears having been stopped a while ago. 

"You could have said that his surgery was out of your league. I'm a Mafia boss, not a dog. I am able to pay for my brother's and my friend's surgery. You don't hesitate to to ask me when it comes to my brother. Understood?" He turned his gaze over without turning his body.

"Ja, I understand. I didn't ask because I zhought zhere vas nothing ve could do. Besides. I barely know jou. It vould be asking a pure stranger for money." He looked happier now, knowing his lover would be helped. "Und who iz zhis friend?"

Lovino blushed.

"Some guy."

"Alright. Jou don't have to tell me. By zhe way, have jou, or any of zhe mafia members of jours seen an albino German?"

He froze. He instantly relaxed his body and looked over to the blonde male.

"No. What is he to you, though?" His eyes narrowed slightly when he saw Ludwig stiffen.

"Mein bruder. He vas kicked out because he vas albino. I have been looking for him in zhe past month. Nozhing has turned up on his existence, not even his birth certificate. It's like he just disappeared.

Ah yes, that was Berwald's work. Erasing the existence of the mafia members. It's easier to work with people who don't seem to exist. When they leave the mafia, their identities return with an excuse for their absence.

"Yeah, he is part of the mafia now." Lovino said nonchalantly.


"Keep it down, potato muncher!" He hissed.


"He came to us, wanting shelter and stuff. No worries though. He is my second in command."

He knew he shouldn't be saying anything on his mafia, but there was no way Ludwig would tell. He knew the boundaries since he was at one point, part of the army in Germany.

"I trust you with this info. Now, I must overlook my friend." He stood up and asked to see Antonio, sighing.

He was given a room number and a series of directions. He nodded in approval when he noticed he was in the first class wing.

It didn't take him long to find the room. His heart had begun to beat erratically with every step he took, afraid that he would see Antonio hooked up on different types of machines to keep him alive.

What would he do then?

He slowly opened the door, his hands shaking slightly.

Upon pulling the door open, he took a deep intake of breath.

There, sitting on the hospital bed was Antonio, thankfully still alive and not connected to many machines.

"A - Antonio?" He whispered slowly, stepping closer and looming over his bed.


Just silence.

"Bastard. Why he fuck are you doing this to me? Why do I care for you this much? Just.... Get better." Lovino awkwardly patted his head and then sat down next to the bed. He didn't know what to do, but just silently sit there and 'talking' to him. He confessed and was so close to revealing his identity, but he stopped himself just in time for a nurse to escort him out, saying visiting hours were over.

Lovino moped around a while before he went out into the freezing air.

His breath puffed as it exited his mouth, the Italian caring not as he went to his car.

It seemed like he was driving at a snails pace back to the base, but he knew he was driving barely at limit.

"Lovino?" Mason looked at his boss who silently glided back into his room, barely acknowledging his presence.

It didn't take long for him to navigate through the maze like halls with ease and find his room.

"Antonio...." He mumbled softly.

He bit his lip as tears formed over his eyes.

With a slow pace, he went to his bed, looming over it before slowly lying on the mattress.

"Antonio, don't do this to me and break me...." He whispered with ragged breaths, grabbing and holding a pillow next to his chest and sobbing oh so silently.


=-=-= Hello. It's been long. I apologize on behalf of this writers block, and well, for this being half assed and pretty damn short. 



Feel free to let me know!

Arrivederci! +_+_+

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