Chap 7

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It didn't take long for the men to get ready, a member having to get the older twin.

Lovino had decided to ditch the mask and walked into the living room where the others waited. Ludwig looked some what shocked by his revealed features, but had managed to hide most of his emotions by a serious face

"Today and now, I will escort both of you to where you are currently staying at. All I ask is for full cooperation." Lovino didn't wait for the others as he expertly swung his keys around his finger, like he would a hand gun.

He got out and into the car that was parked directly in front of the building, quickly starting the car and listening to the purr of the engine while Ludwig and Kiku entered the backseat.

"Where to, German bastard?"

Ludwig grunted and sighed, finally giving in and telling him the address.

As Lovino drove, he felt scared, nervous, and all the other flood of emotions. As he mentally prepared himself, it was obvious that his exterior was stiff and nervous.

Kiku wanted to say something, but had kept quiet after he remembered who he was.

In a matter of an hour and forty-five minutes later, he pulled up in a house like any other in Rome.

Lovino slowly looked out of the window to see a man peeking outside from the window, his eyes widening when he recognized the car as one of the Mafia's own. Lovino silently and calmly got out, his eyes emotionless. He opened the other doors and let Kiku and Ludwig out, leaning against the car.

"Tell me if it isn't it." He mumbled.

"No, zhis iz it. Feli!" Ludwig called out from the front door step, knocking softly on the door.

The door swung open and a man launched himself into the German's arms, hugging him tightly. Ludwig grunted when the other male hugged his injured shoulder quite tightly, but didn't complain. The maled then hugged a flustered Japanese man, trying to kindly ask him to let go.

Lovino was ready to go, but this was his brother. He had to try to talk to him.

Feliciano then stopped and let go, turning his honey eyes to Lovino.

"L-Lovi?" He stuttered, stepping forward. He looked scared, like this was only a dream. Lovino took his hat off and offered what remotely looked like a smile.

"Feli?" He whispered, srepping forward slightly. The other men looked lost as ever, never knowing thier relations.

"Tell me this isn't a dream." Feli walked forward some more paces.

"No, it's not a dream." Lovino answered, Feliciano finally reaching him.

"Good." He simply stated before slapping Lovino across the face. A really hard slap that left a mark.

Everyone except for Feli was stunned, Lovino especially.

"Where the fuck have you been all these years?! I've waited, years I've waited, waiting for your promised visit, a letter, anything! And then six years later, you show up like this?! A Mafia dog?!"

Lovino looked at him, tearing up. The last one really struck him hard, and he began to cry freely.

"You never even looked for me, have you? If it wasn't for my friends, you wouldn't be looking even then. I should've known. You aren't my brother, you aren't my family. You are nothing to me." The venom that leaked through his voice made him cry even more. Feliciano turned around after he glared at him and disappeared inside, the others silently following.

Lovino blinked through the tears and forced himself to get inside the car, closing the door before he cried out loud. He threw his hat shotgun and tried to get control of his emotions, after about half an hour later, he was able to drive away.

He felt broken, alone, a single outcast, someone that doesn't belong. His last of his family and only family had just rejected him.

After all these years, he had dreamed of the moment of their reunion, where Feliciano world hug him and they would cry out of happiness, not sadness or anger. It was beautiful to him, and he wished that it would come true.

But then the dream became a nightmare.

One that was real.

One he could never wake up from.

His cheek stung and ached, a grim reminder of the encounter.

But Feliciano was right. He did break his promise to his younger sibling, to visit and / or make contact. Maybe if he did write him the smallest of letters during his time as an underdog, he would be on better terms with his brother.

Lovino reached the base, and with quick paces, he escaped to his tomato garden. There, one of his friends were there. A man by the name of Mason (not a aph character) smiled up at him from his kneeled position. Mason was like a father / brother to him, always looking out in his worried ways.

At the moment Mason had seen the face on Lovino, he immediately frowned.

"What happened?" He asked in his usual soft voice laced with worry.

"You know about my brother, right?" Mason nodded, noticing the strong emotions in his voice. "Well I met him today and it didn't go well...." Mason stood up and handed him a tomato.

"It's alright. He probably got mad at the fact you had no contact with him, right? so let him cool down and eventually he'll come around. You are his brother, and siblings can't stay mad each other forever."

"But he disowned me as family." At the memory, his eyes watered, his voice cracking over. Mason gently hugged him in a brotherly way, letting him know that he can cry out now. It was odd to Lovino to show emotion, not being used to it and all, but after what he had gone through, it was completely normal.

Mason stood and comforted his 'sibling' whilst he cried freely, his hands balled into fists gripping Mason's shirt, his head hid on his shoulder, and his tears and cries of emotion began to calm down.

Lovino felt utterly pathetic.

=-=-= Hey, my pastas! Sorry for not updating *insert many apologies here*, but school and writers block is being a little shit to me right now, especially with my selective participation disorder (laziness). I hope I'm able to at least try to get something written at school, so when it comes to it, I can piece things together with glue and give you an update.

I think that is it....

Thanks for your patience, and arrivederci! =-=-=

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