Valentines Special 2016

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Lovino looked over at the sun kissed tomato field in his backyard, his gaze softening at the sight. He had cared for this tomato field for as long as he knew the existence of the red fruit. His country reign had allowed him to have a successful field of such red beauties. 

"LOVINO!" His crush, aka, Spain, or known as Antonio, called out his name from the inside of his house. Antonio was there with him for the month because a storm had flooded his house. Still, on the inside, Lovino knew that the tomato bastard just wanted some company. 

"What do you want, bastard?!" He furrowed his brows in his usual scowl and had patted his cheeks to see if he was having a blushing frenzy. Slowly, the Italian walked inside the house, following the sound of the muted whimpers.

His pace sped up as his worried side kicked in.

he ended up at the kitchen where he saw Antonio leaning over the sink.

"Lovi.... I cut my finger trying to make something...." He whined as he washed the water over his finger.

"Oh my god, you stupid idiota. I'm the one that has to have the cut and whining about it." He shook his head as he looked at the extended finger over the water, but while inspecting it, he saw nothing remotely like a cut or blood, but when he went to make eye contact with the green eyed male, he was greeted by a soft kiss on the lips.

The kiss was small, but Lovino was obviously not taking it well or lightly.

He began to shake, his face red as he tried to process what was happening. 

His lips, connected to those of his crush.


Lovino didn't think so.

"CHIGI! B - b - b - bastard!!! What the f - fuck was th - that for?!!!" He stepped back and stumbled backwards. 

Before he gave the poor idiot a chance to speak, he hightailed out of there like he was told his tomatoes were on fire.

He then ran up to his room and locked himself inside, ignoring his name and slamming his back to the locked door. He slid down, his hands trembling as he lifted one up to his tear stained face, grazing his lips.

'It's just sexual tension. The bast-... Antonio probably hasn't gotten laid yet and his sex drive is killing him. He just wants a fuck. Just pleasure in intercourse with no strings attached....'

He thought to himself, biting his lip as tears flooded down his face. Lovino knew it wasn't the truth, but after a while, he began to believe it.  He closed his eyes, his head pointed to the ceiling. His lips trembled, but he didn't cry out. 

After years had turned into centuries, he had taught himself to cry in silence, no matter what.

"Lovino... please open the door. I'm sorry. Perdoname." Lovino could feel the other male on the other side of the door, his voice sliding down to be level with him on the floor.

"Go away." He barely managed to say that in a semi normal tone, his eyes opening to blurred visions. 

"Please. Let me explain!" He could hear shuffling on the other side of the door, then hearing a soft whimper.

"Why sh - should I?" He cursed himself for stuttering, his eyes glancing next to him.

"Because te amo!" Lovino's breath hitched. 

'I guess those Spanish lessons weren't useless.'

"You just want a fling. I'm nothing but a disposable play toy." Lovino's eyes hardened, more tears running down his cheeks. 

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