Chap six

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After they finished with eating (and Lovino watching Antonio eat most of the time), the skies had begun to darken. Lovino sighed, already knowing he wouldn't be able to stay any longer.

"Are you leaving?" Antonio asked. He sounded obviously disappointed, and the sad look on his face confirmed that thought.

"Yeah. Don't worry, though. I might visit tomorrow." He got up without any hesitation, and waved to the other male. He opened the door and took one last glance at him before blending in with the darkness, only to have the street lamps flickering on behind him.

About halfway to the base, he heard a dispute in a nearby alley, and curiosity got to him.

"Let us go!"

"Prease, Rudwig - san, carm down."

"How can I calm down vhen Feliciano could be out zhere suffering?! He's scared of zhe dark! He might have cut himself with paper and could be crying!"

'Feli? Feliciano?!' He continued to listen to the annoying, rough German accented voice and the more quiet Japanese one.

"But that is exactry why we are going to stay with him for the week so you don't worry."

'Ah shit.'

"Nien! I just vant to be zhere right-!" A smash and a gunshot.

"Can you shut the hell up?!" Not his mafia. He never heard that voice before, and it sounded scared, nervous, in a way. It could be no other than the gang.

He took out his twin hand guns and hid them behind his back as he entered the alley.

"Tsk, what is going on here?" He had his fedora on, low enough so he was anonymous, but high enough he could see.

"F - Feli?" The German groaned, looking up with half lidded eyes. He probably saw the curl. Lovino took note of the gun wound that was present on his shoulder, bleeding through the white shirt he wore.

'He's gonna need attention.'

It took Lovino a while before he realized what name he had been called, and could feel the excitement and shock from the name.

"No." He denied the name in a monotonous voice, tearing his gaze away from him and taking a 'map' of his surroundings. There were about ten gang members there, the two captives, and one of him. The alley was decent in size, but not big enough for an actual fight, so he had to be careful in his choice of words. "Fucking first off," Too late. "what the fuck are you guys doing?" He showed his guns and pointed them at the gang. "Secondly, who was forced and who volunteered for the gang?" He wasn't going to hurt anybody until he knew the truth, not just blindly killing them with out the facts.

The entire group raised thier hands. "We were forced. We would be killed if we didn't do as told." One of the younger ones, maybe fifteen, squeaked out an answer, right before a gun cocked to Lovino's skull.

"I knew you wouldn't do it, so I came here myself." A deep, brooding voice called out. Lovino's eyes widened, yet he showed no falter in his stance.

"You must be a higher up in the gang."

"And you must be Romano, mafia leader." Lovino growled and jutted out his elbow into his captors stomach. He turned the mans gun on himself and smirked.

"You pull that trigger, and three bullets will find thier way into your petty little skull." He had all the guns pointed to the man, never faltering. He put one gun in its holster, taking out his phone. "You do know how stupid it is to be out after dusk alone, right?"

He quickly dialed the nearest base, calling for back up and then putting his phone away. Soon after, motorcycles and black cars showed up. One of the motorcyclists gave Lovino a black mask that hid his face well, the only thing that was noticible was his amber eyes, a close enough of a disguise.

He then looked at his mafia members in his cold, mafia-leader-mode gaze.

"Take the gang to the questioning rooms and the leader to the holding cells at the May gang. Tell them to squeeze out all the info they can, and I want five of you to be there when that happens. After this gang gives up the info they have, put them in the holding cells at your base for me to question later. I'm going to escort these men." He looked at one of the cars and the man inside got out, giving Lovino the keys.

He nodded in acknowledgement and picked up the German effortlessly, putting him in the back seat. He told the Japanese man to sit shotgun and then began to drive off. He arrived at a nearby guest house and carried the German inside, placing him on one of the guest room beds.

Instantly, he began to work on the bullet wound, surprisingly gentle and careful.

"Who are jou?" Ludwig grunted, looking at the masked man.

"Romano." He said simply, pulling out the bullet. "Colt .45 bullets shot at point blank." He mumbled, putting the bullet in a petri dish on the cabinet. He continued to address the wound and finished off with a firm bandage. "There are shirts in different sizes in the drawers. You can rest as long as you want here. "

He got up and looked at the Japanese man. "Honda, Kiku." He introduced himself. "Thank you for taking mercy on us." Lovi shook his head.

"You can ask my mafia how I treat them. This isn't mercy." He exited the room, stopping in his tracks. "There is a room just across the hall. You can take that one, Honda." He then left to the living room where a few members stood. "Guard the rooms, the windows, the doors. Make sure the potato bastard doesn't hurt himself." Lovino then went to the master bedroom where he collapsed into a heap and fell into a blissful sleep.

In the morning, he was awakened by his hunger, groaning as he sat up. He looked at himself in the mirror across the room, glaring at the stupid curl.

After fixing his hair, bathroom stuff and changing (with the mask), he went to the kitchen. There, he then began to cook some scrambled eggs, bacon, and what would be considered an American breakfast.

"I have to stop letting the hamburger bastard cook...." He yawned and gestured one of the mafia members closer. "Does it need more garlic?" He asked while he shoved a spoonful of eggs into the man's mouth.

The man processed the flavour before smiling, a twinkle in his eyes. "Perfect...." He mumbled back.

Lovino secretly smiled under the new mask before setting up breakfast, gesturing to the others to retrieve the others, including Kiku and the potato bastard.

There was distant voices before they came closer, the sleepless looking German looking at Lovino. "Can I...?" He looked at the table confused, wondering what all of this was.

"Food. Now eat." Lovino rolled his eyes and began to eat his own serving, Kiku sitting next to him and slowly taking a bite. He had the same reaction as the member from earlier, beginning to eat with more crave.

Ludwig saw this and stared at his plate.

"For fucks sake, it's not poisoned. Now hurry up and eat before it gets cold!" Lovino glared at Ludwig, trying to get him to eat.

Ludwig looked at the food, hesitantly taking a bite, and again like everyone's reactions, he enjoyed it to a large extent.

Lovino hid a smile as he exited the room, then to the master bedroom.

The room was silent, give for his own breathing, but other than that, silence filled the room.

He didn't care though. He had only one question.

"Will I meet Feliciano today?" He asked himself.

----- Sorry i haven't been able to update, but it's because of writers block. Also, I had band practice and concerts and shows and oh man, I'm tired....

Anyway, to help with my writers block, please comment any ideas or suggestions my lovely readers would like to see.

I think that's it? Eh, what ever.

Asta la Pasta! (Arrivederci!) -----

--- Jesus, I have to edit this.... So bad.... ---

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