7. #BlueForJude

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Finally a Jude POV chapter........

yesterday was the worst nights of my life and now I put my only friend in danger ugh I hate that about myself. and to top it off, I can't see Connor because of his dad getting in the way!

I talked to Taylor about this, she ships me and Connor and delivers a message from her cell

Text Message from Taylor (Connor)

Come see me, Jude!
Please I'm begging you,
It's no fun when I'm with you ❤️

That's where I realize that I want to see my friend.

I went to the bathroom and saw this blue polish and I painted my nails blue because now I am strong and confident. I don't care what other people think, I think for myself so I went to the hospital and said " I'm here to see Connor Stevens" The nurse said "what is your relationship to the patient?" I told her I'm his cousin and walked towards the hallway and there I saw the main bitch (his dad) and said to me " what are you doing here?" I say "I wanna see him, I wanna see my friend and I'm not leaving until I do" #Jonnor

And I just sat on the floor near his room and when mr. stevens stepped out the room, i barged right in and I saw my Connor and I started to feel like everything is my fault but I had a touch near my hand and thank god he's awake and said " J-Jude?! Oh my gosh, your here and I'm really sorry that I made you come with me" I say " we can talk about that another, I'm just happy that your okay" the day ended when I snuggled up to him in the hospital and he gave me a kiss and asked me this question

" Jude Adams-Foster, will you be my boyfriend? 💙😘"

I say "yes 💟💋"

This day couldn't get any better than this!!

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