part 15

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"Mikey, please." I begged taking his hand. "Don't leave me. You can't. You can't!"
The needle from the IV in my hand pulled, creating a pain going up my arm. I left it alone though, because nothing could compare to the pain in my chest.
Mikey's eyes lay gently closed, as if he were sleeping. His red hair lay in tangles around his head. He seemed calm.
"(Y/N)?" A small voice piped behind me.
I turned in my wheel chair to see Luke, holding a sleeping Anastasia.
"Luke, why didn't anyone tell me?!" I said angrily.
"Because we knew you wouldn't let him do it." Luke replied calmly. His face looked pained. I felt guilty, because Mikey might die because of me. Luke, Cal, and Ash would all lose their best friend, because of me.
I stayed silent as the tears rolled down my cheeks. I started sobbing again. "Its all my fault."
Luke pulled up a chair next to me, and pulled me in for a hug with him and Ana. I cried into his shoulder, feeling numb.
"He really loved you, (y/n)." Luke said in the silence. "He still would have done it, even of you weren't together. No one could have stopped him. I honestly think you couldn't even have stopped him. He cried for days, he was so scared. But he knew this is what he had to do... For you. For Ana. For all of us."
I only responded with more tears and Luke rubbed my back. I gripped Mikey's hand and squeezed it, hoping he could feel my touch.
"What if he doesn't wake up?" I asked quietly through sobs, because I was scared Mikey could still hear me, and I didn't want to scare him.
"I guess well cross that bridge if we ever come to it. Right now though, well just take it a day at a time. The boys and I are going to help you out until then."
"The note was so blunt. So, punctual and short." I said.
"He couldn't find the words to say. He didn't want to say goodbye, because goodbye means that he'd never come back, and he didn't want that."
I looked down at the engagement ring on my finger. It glittered in the flourecent lights.
I squeezed Mikey's hand again. He didn't move, though I didn't really expect him to.
I watched Luke as he read the pain in my face like a book, as if he knew what I was thinking. I wouldn't doubt it if he did know, it seemed obvious.
Ana stirred in Luke's arm, only to settle back into sleep. I leaned over and kissed her head, and stroked her hair. Luke smiled slightly, looking down at both of us. "I hope I have this someday." He said quietly.
"Hopefully it'll be nothing like this." I responded sadly.
"Even if it did, I'd be happy my family was together and loved each other this much. Nothing can break you guys. You never give up on each other. Its amazing." Luke said smiling. "You guys inspire people all across the world. You guys are unbreakable."
I smiled to myself. Luke was right. We were an unbreakable family. Mikey stuck with me and Ana as soon as he found out. He kept our family going. He took care of Ana when I couldnt. He didn't give up on me when I found out about my cancer. He even risked his life for me. We loved each other. We really were unbreakable.
"You're gonna make it, Mikey. I know you will." I said as though he could hear me. "And I'll be here waiting until you do. Me and Ana both."

A/n sorry I haven't written lately. I've been uber busy and in and out of the doctors myself quite a bit. Thanks for sticking with me. You guys are amazing❤

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