Part 22: the end

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Everything went according to plan for once.
The garden was beautiful and blooming, the dress was stunning. And he was everything I could've wanted and more. He smiled at the end of the isle, and I smiled as he cried tears of joy. It was everything I could've dreamed of and more.
And there, next to her father was our beautiful little flower girl, the unplanned gift that kept on giving. Little Ana was so, so beautiful and as she grew, she started to look more and more like her father.  I smiled as I could not be happier today than I ever was.
The ceremony was beautiful and sweet. All of our friends and family gathered for the moment. The isle ways were lined with flowers and I took Michaels hand in marriage at the end, where the whole scene was plastered with flowers. In my option, it was a bit much, but stunning never the less.
I couldn't believe I was actually Mrs Clifford. After this crazy journey, I never thought we'd make it to this point in our lives, yet, here we are. We're both alive and somewhat healthy, our baby girl is healthy and happy, and we're finally married.
At the reception I sat and rested a bit before I danced, still slightly weary from chemo. Michael came and sat next to me, taking my hand into his and rubbing over my knuckles with his thumb. "Hello, Mrs Clifford." He said smiling so wide.
I laughed slightly, "Hello, Mr Clifford."
"How is my beautiful wife?" He asked before kissing my hand.
"I couldn't be happier." I said, beaming.
"Me too." His smile widened. "Man, I don't think today could get any better."
I smiled, nervously. "I was hoping you'd say that." I then reached under the table and pulled out a small box and held it out.
"Wha- what is it?" Michael asked nervously.
"Open it!" I said giddily.
Michael unraveled the bow on top and slowly pulled the top off the box. He looked up at me in awe and disbelief. "No...way."
My smile widened as I nodded.
Michael pulled out the contents of the box.

And there, in his hand, were 3 positive pregnancy tests.

The end.

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