part 11

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"Wake up sleepy head." Mikey said kissing my temple.

Disoriented, I rolled over.

"I'm up, I'm up." I groaned rubbing my eyes.

Mikey rubbed his rand gently over my bald head, and I opened my eyes to look at him.

"Where's Ana?" I whispered.

"Sleeping." He leaned down and pecked my lips and I pecked him back. "I have to go rehearse with the lads. If you need anything at all, you call me up, okay?"

"I'll be okay, Mikey." I lied. It will be the first time I've taken care of Ana on my own since she was born. She was 7 months old now, and very heavy, and with all of my chemo, I wasn't sure how I was going to lift her.

"Do you need anything before I go, Princess?"

"Will you bring me Ana? I don't think I'd be able to get her out of the crib myself." He nodded and kissed my forehead before leaving the room.

He came back shortly, Ana all wrapped up in blankets. He also grabbed the baby moniter, just in case I left Ana to sleep on her own.

I took her into my arms as she slept peacefully. I could never get enough of how cute she was.

Mikey kissed my forehead once more as he grabbed his keys from the bedside table. He really was as sweet as ever.

"I love you baby girl." He said from to doorway.

"I love you more rocker boy." He smiled and I listened as he left the house.

I gently set baby Ana on the bed next to me and set up pillows around her, so she wouldn't roll away. I then set up the baby monitor with her, and grabbed my half of it.

I slowly walked down the steps, by legs buckling the whole way. One step at a time, I made my way down safetly to the bottom.

Something pink caught the corner of my eye, and I looked to the table to see various bags, one being from Victoria's secret, all on the table. As I walked closer, I found a note.


Pick you up at eight for a surprise. Pick your favorite outfit. I already have a sitter for Ana.


I smiled as I set the note back down. What a sweetheart. Then I suddenly became uneasy.

Everyone would see me bald and almost dead looking. I couldn't let them see me like this.

I quickly grabbed my phone and texted Mikey, only to get a call.

"What's wrong babe?"

"Mikey I can't go. I don't want people seeing me all bald and cancery and deathly skinny. They'll all pick on me and look at my weird." I felt the tears well up in my eyes.

"Princess, you're beautiful all of the time. No matter what. I love you so much. I'm not going to let anything happen to you. I'm here to protect you and keep you safe. You don't have to worry about a thing. Besides, I think it will be well worth it. Please?"

I thought for a moment, a dramatic pause between me and Mikey.

"Alright." I answered finally.

"Great. You won't regret it. I love you."

"I love you too, Mikey."

I slid on the matching bra and panties combo along with the tight black cocktail dress that awaited me in the bags. I did my make up and slid on some black wedges to match. That's when the doorbell rang.

I opened it to find Luke, calum, and Ashton.

"Let me guess, you're the sitters.?"

They all nodded and smiled cheekily as they entered my house.

"Okay, but I swear to god if I find one scratch on that baby-" I turned and cut myself off to see a well dressed  Mikey in the doorway holding a bunch of roses.

My favorite flower.

I took them and smiled, as he took me out to the car.

"So where are we going?" I said smiling.

"You'll see." He grinned back. "You look stunning."

I blushed as he opened the door, and I slid into his car.

A short drive and we were to the fanciest reasturaunt in our area.

"Jean Paul's? This place is very pricy Mikey."

"Nothing is too expensive for my princess." He said taking my hand, guiding me into the reasturaunt.

It was busy, but we had a reservation.

We ordered and I took a few bites of my salad, when Mikey took my hand and started looking at me funny.

"Are you okay?" I asked him.

"No, actually. I'm not." He said grimly. "(Y/n) can I talk yo you about something?"

"Anything Mikey." I said taking his hand.

"Well." He wiped his other hand on his dress pants. "I...I don't want to be your boyfriend anymore."

My heart climbed into my throat. Did he just say what I think he did?

"I....what." I was dumbfounded.

I was suddenly regretting this night.

That's when he stood up, and reached into his pocket. "I don't want to be your boyfriend anymore," he pulled out a small black box and opened it to reveal a large diamond ring, "I want to be a bit more."

I ignored the gasps and shrieks coming from around me.

What was going on.

He got down on one knee and took my hand. "(y/n), you are the best mother, girlfriend, and person I've had the pleasure of meeting. You are so strong, and so beautiful. And I want to spend he rest of my life with you." A tear rolled down both of our cheeks and I placed my right hand over my mouth.

"(y/n), will you do the honor of becoming my wife?"

I couldn't say anything, so I just nodded, tears rolling down my cheeks. Mikey slid the gorgeous ring on my finger, then picked me up and spun me around, both of us crying. The reasuraunt cheered, and then Mikey set me down and kissed me.

I was engaged to the man of my dreams and the dad of my baby girl.

He was right, I didn't regret this might at all.

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