part 19

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Luke's POV

Nothing was more painful than standing in the doorway watching Mikey watch her. He sat slumped in a wheelchair, just staring at her. The heart monitor beeped steadily. She was alive, but not doing to great. She lost a lot of blood, and the beeps were slow and separated.
Finally, after an eternity of stillness, he reached out and grabbed her hand.
"Why, (y/n)? Why would you leave me?" He said quietly. "We were supposed to get married, have more children. You were so strong and doing so good. Why would you just let it all go?"
Of course nothing answered back but silence, as we both expected it would. He didn't mind, he kept speaking to her anyways.
"I heard you talking, you know. I heard every word you spoke, every song you sang, every news article you read about us. I heard it all. Sometimes, I could even feel you there with me; like when you crawled into my bed with me even though the nurse told you not to. I wanted you to. "
"I would've done anything for you, darling." Mikey started to choke up as he squeezed her hand. "Anything."

That's when the beeping stopped and the line grew flat, into one long dial tone.

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