part 8

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Part 8

"Mikey, are sure you wanna do this?" I said placing a hand on his back as he leaned over the shower. "I did have a baby two days ago so it may be a bit... Awkward, and I don't want you to be awkward-"

He chuckled. "Are you embarrassed?"

I hung my head a smidge in defeat. "Yeah."

He caressed his hand on my cheek, making me tilt my head to face him.

"(Y/N), you're beautiful. Everyday. All of the time. I was stupid for letting you walk away. But I'm here. And I'm gonna treat you right, and spoil you, and were gonna take care of Ana together, and be a happy family." Tears started to well up in his eyes. "And I'm gonna love you until you go."

Those last words hung in the air. Until I go? Go where?

"What...?" I questioned slightly. Mikey's eyes grew a bit larger.

"What." He responded.

"What do you mean, "when I go?"" I said.

He paused for a moment, looking at me quickly.

"Did I say when you go? I meant when I go. On tour, which is soon and even then I'll love you."

Something wasn't right.

"Mikey, you don't go on tour for months."

He turned away and bit his lip.

"Mikey... Whats-"

"I can't tell you. I can't. I'm not allowed." He responded quickly.

He let go of my face, tears rolling down his cheeks as he left the shower.

"Mikey!" I grabbed my hospital gown, quickly following him. He was facing the window, quietly sobbing.

"Michael Gordon Clifford. What is going on."

"I can't. I can't." He whispered sobbing.

I felt tears welling up in my eyes.


He turned to me, his eyes red.

"We need to talk." He said quietly.

I sat down, and he sat next to me. He took my hands.

But no matter what I said then, wouldn't have made me prepared for what he was going to say.

"(Y/N), they did an MRI after Calista got you, to check your ribs. Well.... They found something they weren't looking for." He bit his lip tying to hold back tears. "I wasn't supposed to tell you. They wanted to discuss it with you themselves, and all the options. But... They found cancer.... In your bone marrow in your legs.... And they don't know how long-"

My heart sank into my chest. 

That explained why I fainted.

And the weakness in my knees.

I started panting as the shock set in.

"No." I whispered, starting to cry. "No, no. No that's not right. It can't be. It can't be!" I started shaking violently as I started sobbing.

"(Y/N),I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry." Mikey said sobbing with me.

I placed my head in the crook of his neck and sobbed while he held me. So many questions rang in my head, but one word stood out above the rest.


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