part 21

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I thought I was dreaming when I squeezed Mikey's hand in that moment. Nothing was connecting in my head; nothing was making sense.
All of the where, when, why's and how's where all mashed in my head, ricocheting for an answer.
I opened my eyes slowly to the too familiar white room. My ears were ringing- wait, no. That was the heart rate monitor to my left. Why was it flat? Was I actually dead?
Mikey banished my suspicion with an excited squeeze to my hand, one in which I could feel. I looked up slightly to see a bright red haired boy crying at the foot of my bed. He was alive. He was no longer in a coma. He was here with me.
He sprang up as best as he could as he lunged over to me, holding me tightly in his arms. He cried into me as he ran is hand over my bald head.
"Oh my god, Princess. I thought I lost you."
I hugged him back as tight as I could, my body still weak. "I thought I lost you too."
We didn't say much, we mostly just cried into each other for a solid ten minutes. Although I still felt guilty, I was glad Luke got me out of it. I was forever greatful for all he had done for me, for us.
Mikey pulled away and kissed me on the fore head. "I wanna get married immidiatley."
His abrupt words lingered in the air for a moment as I looked him in his blood shot eyes.
"Im-immidiatley?" I stuttered.
"Yes, as soon as possible. You sent out the invitations already right?" Mikey said sounding excited.
"Well, yes-"
"Then all we have to do is call everyone and change the date. Life is to short and everything can change in an instant. I can't lose you. I love you." He started crying again as he kissed me on the lips. He was crazy, but I couldn't agree more.
"Alright." I said as we ended this kiss. "Let's do it!"

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