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Before you start reading I know I said I'd write daisuga baby Tadashi, but this one will just be daisuga. Also this takes place in their high school days. And yes they are dating.


Daichi and I decide that after practice ended at 6, we would hang out after. So as soon as the last bell rang both of us packed up, cleaned up, and said our good byes to their teachers, making our way to the club room.

Walking into the club room hand in hand, we were greeted by Hinata. "Hi Suga, hi Daichi! Um, hey do you think yo could set to me Suga? Kageyama said he wanted to practice setting to Asahi." He said practically begging me.

"Oh course I w-" I was about to take Hinata up on his offer, but then Daichi being captain of course had a plan for practice.

"Don't worry Hinata we'll do hitting lines later, Kageyama will definitely get to set for you. Just hurry up and get changed so we can get out there!" Daichi said with his usual chill smile.

Eventually we were practicing. Stretching, laps, a few drills, and a practice game with half the team on one side of the net and the other half on the other side. This is what practice was normally like, Daichi and I obviously don't let our relationship interfere with our playing. Though we keep our relationship outside the court, he still gives me extra smiles and physical contact whenever he can. Daichi's sweet like that, I really do like him a lot.

"Ok everyone good work today, go home safe and rest." Everyone nodded their heads while on our little huddle listening to our captain. "Alright 'Crows' on three" I yelled everyone put their hands in the middle. "123 CROWS" everyone shouted. I always loved yelling that, it made me feel like I belong on this team.


Wandering around after practice, me and Koushi decided to go to a shopping center. We always went here, though never buying anything. I guess we just like each other's company. While walking we spot familiar faces. Kouchi's parents. They hadn't know about us dating but this could be our chance to tell them.

"Hello Mister and Mrs.Sugawara. How are you" I smiled at them. I know they like me. We only met one briefly but they gave me so much compliments, 'your a very handsome young man' 'you are so smart' 'our son's so lucky to be your friend'.

"Oh hello young man, it's nice to see you again" Mr. Sugawara said, shaking me hand.

"Hello, you remember me, I'm-" I couldn't finish my sentence due to being cut off by my boyfriend.

"On my volleyball team. Daichi is the captain of the volleyball team." Suga cut me off.

"Oh yes that's right. It's good to see you again dear, but we've got to be going. Koushi please don't stay out too late." Mrs.Sugawara smiled and they walked away.

"Why didn't you tell them we're dating? I thought that they new you were gay." I questioned Suga.

"They do know I'm gay, but it's more complicated than that."

"What do you mean? They don't support you?" I asked him getting a bit antsy.

"It's not that they don't support me it's just... umm" Suga was struggling with a way to explain this easily.

"Come on just tell me. You said they support you, so it can't be that bad" I spoke, clearly just a tad irritated.


'It can't be that bad?' That fraze rang in my mind. I know a lot of people don't get support from their parents, and that's horrible. But my parents confused me, so much so that they've made me resent them in a way.

The day I came out to them I cried, they told me to stop crying and that it was ok. I felt relief when they accepted me no doubt. But do you know what we talked about the next day at breakfast? We talked about my volleyball. My parents rarely ever talk about me being gay, or ask me if theirs any cute boys I like. It's like they ignore a part of me, an important part of me. It hurts me not talking about...well me. My parents aren't bad people, but their not perfect either.

As all of this was going through my mind, looked at Daichi. Tears rolling down my face I did kind of a speed walk away from Daichi.

"Wait babe, where are you going?" He yelled over to me looking worried.

"Away from here. I can't be with you right now." I told him, hoping he would understand. I really couldn't be around him, we'd probably get into a fight. And I didn't want that, so I left.


Now back at my house, I start to wonder how I could've upset Koushi like that. He said he was out to his parents, so why didn't he tell them we were dating?

I sat there in my room for a while trying to make sense out of the situation. However it soon dawned on me, 'it's more complicated than that'. Suga had been struggling to explain the situation to me. Maybe it's none of my business, at least not yet. If hiding our relationship from his parents would make him more comfortable, then maybe we should. He doesn't have to explain if he's not ready.

After working this out in my head, I figure I should go apologize to my boyfriend. Seeing how I might've been a little bitch, it was only right that I apologize.


Mom and Dad went out to a party, wouldn't be back until much later(😏). I know I probably didn't handle thing with Daichi too well, but maybe it was better than arguing.

I find myself sitting on my bed, headphones on, cracking and fiddling my fingers. *ping ping* I hear the doorbell and quickly went to answer it.



"Hi baby" I say to him with my usual warm smile. "Look, I'm hear to apologize to you-" I declared but to no avail, as I was interrupted.

"No you don't have to, it's ok"

"Baby, let me apologize. It really is-" I tried to continue but of course He interrupts again.

"Seriously babe, there's no need I was just being difficult" he reassured me.

"You know what I love about you Kou? How you always let me finish my sentences." I joked. Suga then giggle as he apologized.

"Sorry Daichi go ahead"

"Back at the shopping center, I was a little bitch. I jump to conclusions and assumed. I made you uncomfortable and put you on the spot, and that's not fair to you. So, I'm really really sorry. If we need to hide our relationship, I'll be ok with that. So, you can introduce me as your volleyball captain, friend, your personal shopper. I don't care, as long as you need." I finished up the apology looking up at Suga.

"You are such a fucking sap" he laughed and pulled me into a kiss, I kissed back deepening it. I'm glad we had worked this out.

(Word count: 1173)

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