Black history month

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Hey guys! In honor of black history month, I'd like to share the story of John Lewis. I mean being black, I have to do something to spread black history. (Also if your confused, yes I'm black, my dad is black and my mom is Indian. That's why I celebrate Diwali and stuff like that). Ok, let talk about John Lewis now! (I also might miss a couple of things because I'm not the best and summarizing and wording).

John Lewis was born in 1940, then unfortunately passed in 2020. He was a congressman, but he had to work so hard to get there. When he was little Lewis loved school and studying, so much so that when his parents wanted him to stay home to help with the farm, he would hide then sneak onto the bus. One day he heard Martin Luther king on the radio, and he immediately had to know more about him. He also heard about Rosa Parks refusing to give her seat to a white man. Lewis would go to the library and read newspapers about Mlk.

When it came time for Lewis to go to college, he obviously couldn't go to any of the good school, since they were 'whites only'. Refusing to accept this, he wrote to Mlk about it, and he responded wanting to meet him. Mlk met with Lewis, and told him they'd need to sue Alabama and the board of education, but Lewis's parents would have to agree. Frightened for their safety, parents refused to sue.

Soon Lewis joined a nonviolent group, and they would practice being nonviolent, so they wouldn't make mistakes when demonstrating. The first demonstration they did was a sit in, they would sit at a counter waiting to be served. When when they did this they were asked to leave, because people of color weren't being served, to which them complied. The most memorable sit in, however, is when they did leave when asked, and were forced to be arrested. There were hundreds of them arrested, and their bails had been lowered since the jails were sick of them, but they weren't gonna leave. When they went to court they were of course found guilty. But don't think that, that was his last act.

Daisuga and baby Tadashiजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें