Part 2

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(Huge time skip like 6 years later Tadashi is 12)

It was the middle of the night Tadashi woke up sweating, he hadn't been feeling well but brushed it off.

He got out of bed and went to the kitchen. He got himself a cold glass of water, then went back to bed. He wasn't discreet because his dad was standing in the door way.

"You ok honey?" Koushi asked with his arms crossed still standing in the doorway. "Yeah dad, everything's fine go back to sleep," Tadashi said laying back down.

"Ok if you're sure, but come and get me if you need anything," Koushi said kissing Tadashi on house forehead.

"I will, love you dad," he said getting under the covers. " love you too" Koushi said leaving to go back to sleep.

~Time skip in the morning~

Tadashi has school today, so Daichi went to wake him up while Koushi was making breakfast.

"Hey wake up Buddy" Daichi said while opening the curtains. Tadashi turned away shielding his eyes from the light. Since that didn't work Daichi ripped the sheets off his son making him shiver. "Come on wake up your going to be late for school," Daichi said brushing Tadashi's hair out of his face.

While he was wiping Tadashi's hair he noticed his forehead felt hot. "hey Tadashi are you feeling sick?" Daichi asked looking down at his son. "Yeah, kind of" he said pulling the covers back.

" Why didn't you tell me?" Daichi asked rubbing his back. "I didn't want to miss this test we have today," the sick boy said between coughs. "Hey your health comes before school ok?" Daichi said going to tell Koushi that that Tadashi wasn't feeling well.

"oh no my baby's sick," Koushi says running up to Tadashi's room with a thermometer. Koushi put the thermometer in Tadashi's mouth waiting for it to beep.

Koushi looked at the thermometer, "103!" He said shocked "and you wanted to go to school?!"

"I'll go get you some medicine ok?" Daichi said heading to the bathroom for some medicine and he handed It to Tadashi.

" I have to go to work now but I'll be back soon love you," Daichi said kissing Koushi then leaving.

"I made breakfast you want some?" Koushi asked rubbing his back. "I'm not really hungry," but thanks anyway he said with his eyes closing. "You sure? You should probably eat something" Koushi said with a worried look on his face.

"I'm sure dad," he said while closing his eyes. Koushi left the room and went down stairs to do the dishes.

~Time skip couple hours later ~

Tadashi still hasn't eaten yet. Koushiwas about to go make him something to eat, but got interrupted by the sound of poor Tadashi throwing up.

Koushi rushed upstairs to the bathroom where Tadashi was throwing up, and started rubbing his back. Once Tadashi stopped he started crying.

He hated the feeling of vomiting, it felt weird and gross. "Aww baby it's ok don't cry,"Koushi said helping Tadashi back to bed.

Tadashi's Fever still hadn't gone down so Koushi gave him more medicine(since he probably threw up the medicine Daichi gave him)and went to go get Tadashi something to eat.

"I hate this,"Tadashi said to himself, "I hate being sick I feel so weak ugh I hate this". Tadashi cried himself to sleep.

Koushi was about to give him a banana, but didn't have the heart to wake him up.

~time skip Tadashi woke up ~

He woke up to Koushi wiping the dried tears off Tadashi's face. "hey you feel good enough to eat?" Koushi asked in his Usual calm voice. " yeah I guess so," Tadashi replied taking the banana from his dad.

He managed to eat the whole banana then layed back down. A few minutes later he heard Daichi come through the front door. Daichi put his keys down and went to go see Tadashi.

"Hey Bud you feeling better?" Daichi asked sitting on the bed. "Yeah a little bit,"Tadashi said smiling. "His fever went down," Koushisighed, "but he barely ate anything".

Daichi looked at Tadashi with his face of worry. "Tadashi you have to eat to get better," Daichi said. "Oh no," Tadashi thought, "he didn't call me bud he must really be serious".

"I'm sorry,"Tadashi said while looking down, " I'll try to eat I promise". Daichi and Koushi smiled. "Ok, I'll go get you some rice," Koushi smiled wider walking out the door.

It didn't take long for him to bring the rice up to his little Tadashi, because he really wanted him to eat something anything.

"here honey" Koushi said handing the rice to his brown eyed son. Tadashi ate about 3/4 of the rice before he couldn't eat anymore. "I'm sorry I don't know if I can eat anymore, sorry," Tadashi apologized knowing how much his parents wanted him to eat.

"No it's ok sweetie you ate all you could and we're grateful for that," Koushi said handing Daichi the bowl.

As Daichi was heading downstairs he heard the doorbell. He went to answer it and was surprised to see a little boy who looked to be a little older than Tadashi.

"Umm hi I'm Kei Tsukisima and I'm in Tadashi's class I came over to drop off his homework," tsukisima said in a monotonous voice.

Daichi offered to let him in the house but tsukisima he said to get home. "Ok, well be safe alright?" Daichi said while waving.

Daichi went to give Tadashi his homework. "So are you gonna tell us about this tsukisima?" Daichi asked as he watched Tadashi blush. "Well he's my best friend,"Tadashi smiled. "Oh? How come you never told us?" Suga said crossing his arms. " I didn't think it was important," Tadashi said turning towards his daddy. "Of course it's important, so how'd you meet him?" Koushi asked Daichi listening in. "Remember in kindergarten when I used to get bullied? He saved me a couple times," Tadashi said yawning. "You should get some sleep buddy" Daichi said kissing Tadashi's forehead before walking out holding Koushi hand.

~To be continued ~

(1021 words working on a new chapter. I also want to say BlackLiveMatter✊🏼✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿)

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