Frank- Author (any!)

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For the sake of this one shot you are the Author of PJo and HoO. I'm not trying steal anything from Rick Riodan. Everything belongs to him.

This takes place after ToA.

You typed away at your computer. Click, clack went the keys as you finished up another chapter of the book you were writing. It was called Daughter of the Deep. It was the first book you had written that focused on a single female protagonist and her adventures under the ocean. (This is actually do to come out October 5th! I can't wait to read it.)

You heard the bell over the door in the café ring. Signaling that someone had either left or come in. You peaked your head over your laptop. Jus to get a glimpse to see who came in.

You sucked in a sharp breath when you caught the face of a Chinese looking teenager with a big build and a baby face. He looked exactly how you had imagined Frank Zhang. You needed to meet this guy.

Fortunately he took a seat at the table next to you. You watched him out of the corner of your eye. You stopped writing. Who was this guy?

"Uh... hi." Said the teenager that you were watching.

"Hi." You replied nervously.

"You we're watching me. Is everything alright?"

"Yeah I'm fine." You started to type again to make it look like you were okay.

"One cup of tea for Mr. Zhang?" A waitress came over to the person next to you. You choked on your coffee.

"Mr Zhang?" You couldn't believe this.

"I'm Frank Zhang." He held out a hand to you.

You gulped and suddenly felt sick. You grabbed your laptop and rushed out of the store without giving him a second glance.

You ran back to your apartment. But before you could open the door a hand on your shoulder stopped you. You spun around. The guy from the café was behind you. You jumped and fumbled with the keys trying to get the door open.

"Uh hey, you forgot to pay for your coffee. I did it for you so you don't... you know, get in trouble?" He rubbed the back of his neck. It was clear he didn't really know what to say.

"Uh thanks." You mumbled and finally managed to get the door opened. But before you could close the door on his face and hopefully wake up from the dream he stopped you.

"Do you know me or something?" Ha, you knew him better then he knew himself but you couldn't say that just yet.

You grumbled and pulled him into your apartment.

"I don't care what you do, but you can't tell anyone that your name is Frank Zhang." You instructed him.

"What? What's so wrong about my name?"

"I do know you." You mumbled. "Better than you think." He just looked puzzled at you before you pushed him out the door and closed it, locking him out of the other side. You slid down the door. What was going on?

If Frank was real then were all the others real too? But it was just a story! Something you created.

Thinking about it made your brain hurt. So you decided to just watch a movie to ease your nerves.


The next day, convinced that all the events of yesterday had been nothing but a dream, you went back to the café. You ordered yourself another coffee and sat down with your laptop.

"I didn't think I would find you here again." Frank Zhang's voice pulled you from your thoughts. You looked at him.

"I thought you were a dream." You couldn't look him in the eyes.

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