Chapter 9

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Liam's POV

The news of last night's party spread like wildfire, and the repercussions were astounding but not unexpected.

Mr McCarthy was sacked pending further investigation, and the police came bearing a warrant to escort him out allegedly for sexual misconduct and rape of a minor.

Stephanie's parents removed her from the school. Based on the gossip that was floating around, she was either home school or at a Catholic all girl school. But we've already established that rumors aren't always true.

Claudia parents also decided to move their family, but somewhere overseas. Stating it was in the best interest of their children.

But for me, that was not nearly enough drama. I needed to rattle the ant hill a bit more.

I briefed Rebecca and Anya on my  finding of corruption at the top level of the school: faculty.

whereas Principal Victor Nichols was in charge of dealing with punishment and kissing the feet of the school board. Vice Principal Sarah Flynn was in charge of finance since she had a MBA.

The only problem was that she was a certified crook.

She took half of all the money donated by the alumni, sponsors, fund raisers and PTA contributions and invested them into stocks and bonds, hedge and mutual funds and made millions using all of her networks and trading algorithms. But you can do a lot with money that wasn't yours in the first place.

Based on the digging I've done, money was then being pumped into off shore accounts and real estate. She owned two resorts that included motels, theme parks, and casinos.

And not a soul was catching on because she still drove around in her "mom" car and made no improvements to her home in the last decade of her tenure as Vice Principal.

I really did admire her tenacity, her dedication to the cause, and how careful she had been in all this. But, greed has a way of seeping into almost every flawless plan.

I had set up the scholarship money as bait to catch her in the act, and she wanted to get her sticky fingers on it.

I'll be damned to hell and back before I'd let that happen, though.

Time for phase two of my plan.


"What do you mean you've been disqualified?" Rebecca asked me incredulously.

"Well, yeah, my uncle is a member of the school board, and apparently, board member relatives shouldn't participate in the quiz." I told her while removing two cans of strawberry crush soda from the vending machine and offered one to her.

She took it, but her mouth was in a stubborn pout, and it made me want to kiss her again.

Speaking of kiss. I didn't even have the time to think about it, and she hadn't brought it up either. I ignored the feeling and took a gulp of my soda instead.

"So what about college? Will you be able to afford it?" She asked me with genuine concern while fighting the soda cap.

I nearly spat out my drink.

She was so generous and honest. Her financial situation wasn't good, yet she was worried about mine.

"Don't worry, your pretty little head about that. I'm the swim team captain. I've already been offered two sports scholarships. " I said while reaching out and opening it for her.

She flashes me a grateful grin, and I brush back her hair just to have a reason to touch her. Her face heats up, and I resist the urge to run my thumb over her lips.

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