Chapter 13- Drunken Truth

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            "Elsa! You should seriously come out tonight." Anna encouraged and she got ready for Flynn's birthday party.

            "I don't know Anna." I mumbled. "I won't know many people there."

            "Sure you will. You'll know our whole group; Q, Julian, Punzie, Astrid, Hiccup, Merida and Kristoff."

            "Plus everyone at the house." I pointed out.

            "Screw them. You'll just be hanging out with us."

            "Maybe, I don't feel well though."

            "You're fine, stop making excuses. And if you're on your period then I can give you tamps." Anna smirked. "Now get your cute butt into your room and change into jeans... unless you want to wear those fluffy snowflake pyjamas."

            "Okay fine!" I sighed rushing out of her room. I switched out of my comfy cloths again, and pulled on some skinny jeans and a sweater. I walked back into Anna's room where she was now applying make-up. She took one look at me and grimaced.

            "You're going to get hot in that."

            "It's winter."

            "And we're going to a house party full of people. You'll suffocate in the first 10 minutes." Anna pointed out. Anna went to her closet and picked out some cloths; a dark blue lace top and a plain black half sleeve cardigan.

            "Wear these with leggings or black skinnies... and my black boots." She handed me the cloths.

            "Seriously now?"

            "Yes! You're going to look good, and it's conservative enough for your taste." She sassed. "Then come back so I can do your hair and make-up." I knew this was wrong, even the little voice in my head told me not to, but something made me walk back and change my cloths. When I looked in the mirror I was shocked. Anna was right; the outfit showed off my curves nicely, but didn't show nearly as much skin as I thought it would. I almost didn't look like the person I became five years ago, rather the person I was when I was 16;strong and confident.

            "There you go." Anna smiled when I walked into her room. "You can keep those if you want to, they look better on you anyway."

            "Thanks." I smiled as I sat down. "What did you have in mind for my head?" she didn't reply. Instead she just stood up and got to work.


            As Kristoff drove closer to the house, I began to feel nervous.

            "I should have just stayed home." I sighed looking out the window; this scene was familiar, all too familiar.

            "No I shouldn't have." Anna practically snapped. "This is one of your friend's birthdays; you have to come out." Even though everything she said was true, it still didn't; clear the queasy feeling in my stomach.

            "We'll look after you Elsa." Kristoff assured me.

            "Thanks, but I don't want to spoil your fun."

            "Don't worry about it. I'm DD tonight, you're going to have fun tonight." he said. "We'll be with you at all times... except when Jack's there."

            I glared at Anna.

            "Sorry. Everyone pretty much knows anyway." She laughed.

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