Chapter 15- Rumble

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            Nobody moved for at least five seconds; and I only say seconds because that was probably how long we were actually standing there for. Let me tell you, when my father stares you down with that death glare, it feels like minutes passed by. Thankfully my mother was the one who broke the silence because I doubt I would have been able to.

            "Elsa, darling." She greeted as she came up to me and hugged me. I came up to her but instantly knew she was also feeling awkward, she never calls me 'darling'.

            "Hi mom!" I hugged her tight.

"Hi dad!" I tried to smile at him but he didn't budge from staring at Jack.

"What are you two doing here?" I asked.

            "Well we were in town and we wanted to visit." He explained... still staring at Jack. "Anna let us in, but she's getting ready at the moment. The question is young lady, where were you this early in the morning?" I cleared my throat before I could answer.

            "I was with a my-"

            "Boyfriend." Jack cut off. I felt my heart jump, that was the first time he's actually said that.

            "Boyfriend?" My father questioned, and my mother's face grew with worry.

            "Yes, my boyfriend." The words almost sounded foreign on my tongue. "Mom, dad, this is Jack." Jack held out his hand. Thankfully my mother came up to accept the greeting, however my father did not.

            "It's wonderful to meet you." My mom smiled. I knew I could always count on her.

            "It's nice to meet you too." Jack tried to smile. I could practically hear him mumble 'Although I with it was under different circumstances.' As usual, my father did not say anything only making the air in the room even more awkward.

            "I was just dropping Elsa home. She stayed with her cousin and asked me to pick her up." Jack lied on the spot.

            "Which cousin?" my father challenged.

            "Rapunzel." Jack answered. "We've all gotten close this semester."

             "That's difficult to imagine." Father mumbled loud enough for everyone to hear. I felt Jack sigh and squeeze my hand.

            "I guess I'll see you later then." He said to me.

            "Yeah, thank you for driving me." I responded. When Jack turned to leave, I had to resist the urge to hug or kiss him goodbye. He just nodded to me and walked out of the door. When the door shut behind him, that's where it all happened.

            "Aren't you a little young to be staying overnight with a boy?" My father boomed.   

            "Dad, I'm 21. And I was with Rapunzel last night." I countered. "And even if I was with Jack last night we didn't do anything. I promise you."

            "So you didn't get drunk at a party last night?" he threw in my face. "And don't bother lying, I have the drunk message from both you and Anna."

            So that's how he knew.

            "Where is she by the way? Also with Rapunzel?" he mocked.

            "Sweetheart-" my mother tried to stop him.

            "So she didn't let you into our dorm?" I concluded.

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