Chapter 18- First Lesson, First Time

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"So what happens from here?" Jack asked me.

"We be happy from here." I replied. Although I said it with confidence, I've never actually been to this part of any relationship before. I was about to sit down but Jack kept a hold of my hand.

"Come with me." He almost pleaded. "It looks like you haven't gotten any work done anyway." I looked down at the scattered papers and the screen of my laptop showing a blank document.

"Okay." I agreed. "Hiccup and Astrid are probably doing something anyway." He led be to his room still holding my hand. When we were there he shut the door and emptied his pockets onto the dresser.

"What did you have in mind?" I asked as I sat down on his bed. He looked around his room and I did the same, but then my eyes became fixed on his guitar. I walked up to it and grazed my fingers on its neck.

"Do you play?" He asked me.

"No, but I've always wanted to. I mean, I've never really done anything other than figure skate and get good grades." I laughed. Jack raised his eyebrow and picked up his guitar off his stand then sat down. He held his hand out, to which I took it and sat down beside him. He pushed the instrument in my hands and smiled.

"Then let me be your teacher." he sat down beside me and shifted so he was angled towards me.

"I don't even know how to start this." I blushed. His hand came on top of mine and her guided me to where they should be.

"Your right hand strums the strings and your left and makes the chords; if youre right handed that is." He explained as his left hand covered mine on the neck of the guitar. He guided two of my fingers to press down on the second and third strings on the second fret.

"Strum everything."

I did so and it didn't sound as good as I hoped it would be.

"What's this?" I asked.

"This chord is an E minor." He kept moving my fingers across the strings and told me to strum when they were in the right position. The only chords he taught me were the chords I assume were the easy chords. He taught me A major and minor, C major and D major. Then he told me to place four of my fingers on the guitar strings.

"What's this chord?" I asked as I tried to keep my fingers in the right position.

"G major. I guess it's one of the hardest chords for beginners, but it sounds the nicest." He smiled. I didn't even realize how close he was to me until he laughed. His chest was up against my back and his head was over my left shoulder looking at our fingers as he guided me. He breath tickled my neck every time he exhaled, and I tried my hardest to resist shivering.

"Strum." He ordered. I dragged the pick down the strings and played the chord. I know for sure that wasn't what it's supposed to sound like, but at least Jack was a good sport about it.

"Not quite." He shifted my hand out of the way and positioned his fingers to make to chord. When he strummed I was surprised to hear a beautiful combination from the one note. He moved his hands out of the way and left me to do the rest. I took a chance and strummed, to my surprise a beautiful sound came from the strings as I tried my hardest to hold my fingers in place to keep the shape of the chord.

"You're getting it." He smiled. I turned my head to meet his which was right above my right shoulder.

"Are you going to teach me a song?"

"Maybe when you can strum the cord right." He said. I felt a little kiss plant itself on my shoulder and I turned to look at him. I didn't even realize how close I was to him until his striking blue eyes nearly bore into mine. There was no question that the anticipation was growing in between us, so what did we do? We went for it.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2016 ⏰

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