Chapter 11- Break

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“Shall we go?” Anna asked as she grabbed her coat.
            “Yeah.” I replied grabbing my bag and the gifts for my parents. The two of us let our dorm and made out way to the car. We were visiting our parents or the holidays and we were staying there for a week.
            “Do you think anyone else would come?” Anna asked just as we merged into the freeway.
            “No. if anything Punzie might visit with her family, but we’ll see if that happens.” I gave my honest answer.
            “Hopefully, otherwise it would be a boring ass week.”
            “Well you know, dad may take us to a few executive parties.” I laughed as Anna gagged.
            “I think I’ll pass.” She laughed.
            “Hey at least you can pass. Knowing dad he’s going to drag me to at least one of them.” I groaned as memories of meeting a bunch of older people I really had no interest of meeting.
            “True, but you do get free food and drinks.”
            “Still doesn’t make up the many fake smiled, kisses and handshakes I have to give. AND I’ll be the youngest one there.” Anna just laughed at my misery.
            “Hoe about I come up with a good excuse and pick you up from your torture?” she offered.
            “Deal.” I smiled and held out a hand so we could do your promise gesture. Once silence filled Anna flicked on my stereo. I almost forgot what CD was in there once it started playing
            “You bought the 1989 album?” she questioned.
            “Y-yeah…” I blushed. “She grew on me okay.”
            “Since when?!”
            “Since… Blank Space.” I partially lied since that was the first song on the album that I really liked.
            “Wow, what changed you?” she laughed before jamming to Shake It Off.
I smiled thinking about that answer.
            “My girls are home!” mother cheered as we both got out of the car. She ran up to us and we walked to her and hugged us both.
            “Hey, don’t I get a hug?” my dad teased stepping from the doorway.
            “Of course.” I didn’t want to run up to him first, so Anna ran to him first. My mother looked at me and sighed.
            “Are you going to be okay sweetheart?” she asked.
            “Yeah, yeah. Nothing’s bothering me mom.”
            She opened her mouth to say something, but stopped herself.
            “We’ll talk later.” She said. I nodded and kissed her cheek before going up to greet my father.
            “Hello dad.” I greeted and gave him a hug.
            “It hasn’t been the same without my snowflake.” He smiled. I’m not sure if he was talking about home or the office; if I had to guess I’d have to say the office.
            “Well, we’re home for a few weeks.” I said taking Anna’s hand. She squeezed it; our signal to say ‘I get it.’ Or ‘I know how you feel’.
            “Well we better make the best of it.” Mother cut in and we went inside out house- sorry mansion (Father gets annoyed when we don’t refer to a thing properly). We walked into the common room and sat on the couches across from each other… dad loves keeping it professional.
            “Unfortunately I have some work to do and I won’t be free until the 23rd but I will have the rest of that time off until the 6th.” He revealed.
            “It’s fine, we don’t mind relaxing for now.” I answered.
            “I could really catch up on some much needed shut eye.” Anna added.
            “Well, it’s good to see my two beautiful girls at home again.” He said before standing up. “I’ll be home for dinner, so I will see you then.”
            I could practically feel the disappointment seeping from Anna as we watched our dad leave. Luckily our mom always knew how to make it better.
            “Well, you two can rest or help me bake cookies.” She clapped standing up.
            “Triple chocolate chip?” my sister and I beamed in unison. All it took was my mother’s smile to answer our question and follow her to the kitchen.
            “I will never forget these cookies.” Anna moaned as she devoured her fifth freshly baked cookie. “It’s like heaven and childhood in my mouth.”
            “Okay there sister.” I laughed as I bit my second. I know Anna wanted to add another description to that sentence, but I know mother would start talking about the use of protection.
            “I know how to make my girls happy.” Mother smiled.
            “Thanks mom.” Anna kissed her cheek. Mom smiled.
            “You girls should get some rest. I know it was a long drive, and knowing your father we’re going out and he won’t be sparing any expense.”
            “Meaning one of us is DD.” I sighed knowing it would most likely be me.
            “Not necessarily.” Mother laughed.
            “Wait, what’s DD?” Anna asked.
            “Designated Driver.” I answered. “The person who stays sober so they can drive the drunk people home.”
            “I don’t think we’ll be needing a DD Elsa.” Mother said. “But get some rest; you both look extremely tired.” Just as I was about to protest, I yawned. My mother glared at me saying ‘What did I say?’
            “You’re right.” Anna yawned. “I’ll be in my room if anyone needs me.” We said goodnight as she left the kitchen. I finished off the rest of my milk.
            “I should get some sleep too.” I announced standing from the counter stool.
            “Alright, before you go do you mind telling me who’s making you so happy.” She called out. I froze in my spot wondering if she was referring to what I think she was referring to.
            “I don’t know what you mean mom.” I said.
            “I’m talking about someone who has changed you. I am your mother Elsa; I know when something has changed my little girl.” She explained shifting her position. “Now tell me everything.”
            Well that was fast.
            “Please don’t tell dad.” I begged. She arched her eyebrow showing her was now more interested in this conversation.
            “What have you done Elsa?”
            “Nothing, nothing. I haven’t done anything I promise.” I stopped her vulgar thoughts. “Except… met someone.”
            My mother was not surprised. She sipped her tea, signaling for me to continue.
            “I don’t think you know him, but his name is Jack. Jack Frost. He’s in my Human Emotion Psychology class.” I explained.
            “How long has this been going on?”
            “Well, we met at the beginning of the semester. Actually seeing each other, maybe six and a half weeks or so.”
            “I hope you’ll be smart about this.” She said. There it is.
            “Mom, I don’t need this right now.” I sighed. “I know when dad finds out, he’s going to lecture me about how it’s not part of his plan and I’m idiotic for dating a boy like him. He may even scold me for being ‘rebellious against him.’”
            “I never said stop seeing him sweetie. I just said to be smart about the relationship.”
            “I don’t follow.”
            “I mean no pregnancies until marriage.” He comment made me spit out my milk.
            “Mom!” I choked.
            “I raised you well, but I’m not sure he’s as smart as you are.”
            “Can we stop this conversation please?”
            “Now, I want you to know that there are places you can go to get birth control if you want an even closer experience.” She stated nonchalantly.
            “Oh my goodness.” I put my head on the counter.
            “But to prevent disease I would suggest the proper latex.”
            “And I’m done here.” I said standing up.
            “I’m only teasing Elsa.” My mother laughed. “Sit down.”
            Even though I really didn’t want to, I did. I don’t think I can ever look at her the same way again.
            “Tell me more about this boy.” She encouraged. It did shock me that she can be so calm and okay with this.
            “Well… if dad were to see him, he would want to strangle him.”
            After my mother and I talked for about another hour, my father came home and told us to get ready for dinner. We would be going to some disgustingly fancy place according to my mother; basically she said to throw on a dress and do my hair.
            I was thankful that she didn’t tell dad immediately after he walked in, and she was also the one to signal me to stop talking about Jack when he walked into the kitchen. Maybe she’ll tell him about Jack later, but at least I won’t be right beside him when he explodes.
            “Wakey, wakey.” I knocked on my sister’s door. She was starfished on her bed with drool on her pillow. As usual she didn’t wake up.
            “Wake up sister!” I yelled when I hit her with a pillow. Out of nowhere she grabbed another pillow and slammed it into me. The next thing I knew we were having an impromptu pillow fight. I would have won too… if she wasn’t so freakishly strong.
            “I was having a good dream.” Anna groaned as she helped me up.
            “Well you may want time to get ready. Dad’s taking up someplace fancy for dinner.”
            “Meaning I have to wear a dress and put make- up on my face?”
            “Yep.” I popped the ‘p’ “And knowing him it probably won’t just be us. Someone important will also be there.”
            Anna sighed and cracked her joints.
            “Well, we should get dressed.” She said getting off the bed. I got up to lightly flick her before leaving. When I entered my room for the first time in months, the first thing that hit me was the cold air.
            My bed was neat, not a single dust particle lay on my dresser, my pictures of my family were still straight on my nightstand and shelf, and my computer desk still had business papers on it in perfect order. Clearly the only person who came in here was the house keeper.
            Before I sifted through my closet to find my outfit, I flopped on my cool, crisp and clean bed sheets. It felt so nice and familiar; I could feel the drowsiness start to dawn… until I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket.
            Help me. It was Jack.
            What’s going on? I asked actually concerned.
            Nothing. I’m just bored out of my mind.
Jerk I was actually concerned for a minute there.
            Well sorry if I miss you. Whoa, wasn’t expecting that. Instead of texting back I called him.
            “I’d be lying if I said I didn’t miss you too.” I said as soon as he answered.
            “What’s your reasoning?” he asked.
            “My parents… need I say more?”
            “What’s your excuse?”
            “It’s boring here. As much as I love my younger sister I don’t want to hear any more gushing on how T-Swift is better with Ginger Jesus.” I laughed once I realized who his sister was referring to.
            “Tell her that Ginger Jesus was with Ellie Goulding and Swift would most likely drop him in 6 months…. They’re better off as best friends.” There was silence on the other end, I even had to check if he didn’t hang up on me.
            “Not you too.” He groaned.
            “I know this because of my sister okay.”
            “Sure, and I’m sure you check E! News everyday like how my mom does.”
            “I could care less about that stuff. I only care about the bands I like.”
            “So if Matt Healy were to get engaged what would you do?”
            “Be sad that I can no longer marry him.”
            “Wow, such a calm fangirl.”
            “That’s how I roll.” I laughed. We talked for a few more minutes about our plans for the break. Naturally Jack would tease me whenever I mentioned executive dinners or something. Before I could fully ask him what he had planned, there was a knock on my door.
            “Elsa, can you help me do my hair.” My sister asked, walking into my room.
            “Oop, you have to tend to your people.” Jack teased.
            “I’ll talk to you later.” I rolled my eyes before hanging up. My sister shut the door.
            “Yeah.” I nodded getting up.
            “Well what were you two talking about for 45 minutes?” she cooed.
            45 minutes? We certainly weren’t talking for that long.
            “Just, stuff.” I shrugged walking to my mirror.
            “I’m sure you were.” She snickered letting her hair down so I could pin it. After I finished her hair, Anna helped me pick which dress I was going to wear. We settled on a classy blue, v- neck dress, 3 quarter length sleeve with a skirt that reached my knees.
            “Just leave it wavy. I’ll just do my make-up really nicely.” I said. We walked over to my mirror to do our make-up.
            “Sorry, but if I’m having my hair up you should do something with yours.” Anna pointed out. “It’s only hair.”
            “You do it since I did yours.” I offered. Anna nodded excitedly and got started. While I applied my eye shadow, my mother walked in.
            “Try barrel down.” She instructed Anna who was curling my hair.
            “I’ve been mixing it up mom.” She said curling one more strand of hair. “Then I’m going to braid it and pin it back.”
            “Like Daenerys Targaryen?” I guessed.
            “Yep. You are going to be Khaleesi soon.” She mumbled the last part as she finished y hair.
            “Oh, there are some executives downstairs. They’ll be joining us for dinner.” Mother informed.
            “Aren’t we eating out to some fancy place?”
            “Well, your father has started to invite his partners over for a drink. He finds it more hospitable.” She answered.
            “So there are a bunch of old guys downstairs drinking whiskey?” Anna concluded.
            “Just one, as well as his wife and son. I’ve never met him but he seems to be around your age.” She added. “I will be downstairs. I just wanted to let you two know.”
            “Thanks mom.” I nodded before she left my room.
            “Called it.” Anna cut in.
            “Called what?”
            “I called that dad would make us go to executive dinners and parties.”
            “Actually I was the one who called that.” I smirked, grabbing a wristlet. Anna groaned.
            “Please tell me our whole week won’t be like this.”
            “Well if it is, remember you’re the one who pointed out the free food and free booze.” I cooed as we walked out of my room.
            “Elsa dear.” My father called as soon as I stepped into the foyer. I walked to the living room where my father was having a drink with two men I did now know, and-
            “Elsa?” he stood and walked over to give me a hug.
            “What are you doing here?”
            “My dad…” he answered trailing off.
“Makes sense. I just didn’t know our parents are business partners.”
            “Julian!” Anna cheered as she ran up to hug him.
            “You know each other then.” My father stated.
            “We all go to DDU and we met through friends.” Anna explained.
            “Then I assume you’ve met my boy’s girlfriend.” Julian’s father spoke; he glanced at my father who showed no reaction.
            “Y-yeah…” I nodded. The man stood and held out his hand. His dark hair and dazzling blue eyes look all too familiar. The main difference was his scruff and partially aged face.
            “Aaron Elrondey.” He introduced. I took his hand.
            “Elsa Arendelle.” I smiled.
            “Anna Arendelle.” My sister also introduced herself.
            “Shall we head out?” My father suggested. “Stoick said he would meet us there.” We all agreed and made our way out of the house… to the limo. Of course you had to get a limo dad, you couldn’t just drive your friggen Porsche could you?
            We all filed in. I sat between my sister and Julian while my mom sat in front of me conversing with another woman. My dad and Aaron somehow merged into that conversation.
            “Does this mean we’re spending the break together?” Julian asked.
            “Probably.” I replied.
            “Damn it!” he groaned.
            “Why? Don’t want to hang out with the two of us?” I teased.
            “No it’s not that. I just miss Q.” he answered.
            “Aw! Jul.” Anna cooed. “Don’t worry, we both miss our guys.” I elbowed my sister.
            “’Our guys?’”
            “Just her. I don’t have a boyfriend.” I quickly recovered. Although it was technically true, it did hurt to admit it.
            “So Q’s in New York?” Anna asked as we walked out of the limo.
            “Not exactly. She went up to Toronto to visit her family, but we’re going to try to meet up in a few days.”
            “Q’s Canadian?” I asked.
            “Yeah. She only came down here for the scholarships that were offered to her.” He admitted.
            “Then how were you together for three years?” Anna questioned.
            “Do you really want me to get into that long story?” he snorted. I looked around and gestured to our parents conversing.
            “Please do, I don’t want to get into their conversation.” I pleaded. They both nodded in agreement as we walked into the restaurant.
            In the front was a large man with fire red hair and a beard was waiting for us.
            “I was wondering where you were.” He laughed coming closer to us with open arms.
            “Stoick! It’s been too long my friend.” Father greeted as the two shook hands and clapped each other on the back.
            “Haddock! Where have you been all this time?” Aaron greeted.
            Haddock? As in-?
            “Elsa?” that familiar voice spoke from behind me. Sure enough, there was my best friend in a three piece suit.
            “Hiccup!” I ran to him and wrapped my arms around him.
            “What are you doing here?” he asked.
            “I told you I was going to say with my parents this break. Why are you here?”
            “Astrid’s spending time with her family and I’m just chilling with my dad this break since my mom’s overseas.”
            “You could have told me you were coming Hic.” Julian cut in.
            “I didn’t know I was staying in New York.” Hiccup replied.
            “Sorry to cut your conversation youngsters, but we have to be seated now.” Aaron cut in.
            None of us argued since we were all pretty hungry. We followed the hostess towards the big table, making sure the four of us ‘youngsters’ claimed the end of the table. As I guessed, I was forced to sit close to my dad so we could talk if her needed me to.
            “Jul, you still never told us how you met Q.” Anna remembered. Almost immediately Hiccup started laughing beside me.
            “It’s not that funny!” Julian defended.
            “Yeah it is. Your first encounter and how you asked her out was also pretty damn hilarious.”
            “Okay from the beginning boys.” I encouraged.
            “Q’s parents are originally from Vancouver, but … Q’s dad passed away when she was 11, that’s the first thing you should know.” Julian started. “But before he died, he taught her how to fence. Well since then she just kept pursing it, and when she was 14 she moved to Chicago to live with her aunt because she was scouted for a for a fencing scholarship. Her mom moved to Toronto to start fresh and she eventually got remarried. Meanwhile, Q stayed with her Aunt and ended up getting another scholarship to DDU.”
            “So she got scholarships to the best schools because she was good at sports.” I concluded. “Still doesn’t explain how you two met.”
            “I was getting to that. I’m close to Astrid, and she met Q through some martial arts classes. One day when Hiccup and I was hanging out… talking about stuff-“
            “How you can shove 23 chicken nuggets in your mouth.” Hiccup laughed.
            “25 Haddock.” Jul corrected. “Anyway… I was trying to prove a point that I could do it. When I was on the last nugget… both of the girls walked in to find me with two dozen nuggets shoved in my mouth.”
            “Anna choked on her water while I covered my mouth before the laughs exploded out.
            “Hey, laugh all you want. Just know that her reaction made me want to marry her.”
            “What? How did she react to that?” Anna asked.
            “She cheered me on before I shoved the last one in my mouth.” He said with a smile.
            “Yep, that’s Q.” Anna snorted.
            “She’s actually in Toronto right now, so we might meet up later in the break.” Julian said.
            “Well that’s sweet of you. I wish I could meet up with Kristoff.” Anna sighed.
            “Why don’t you?” Hiccup asked.
            “Because my parents won’t let me, and the drive is really far.” She answered.
            “Just invite him.” I suggested. “You know he would do it.”
            “After Christmas. You should at least be able to see your boyfriend during the holiday.” I reasoned without really realizing what I was saying.
            “Maybe I will invite him.” She nodded. The three of them continued their conversation, leaving me to think about what I just said. It had only been a few weeks, maybe two months at most. Even though I know Jack isn’t my boyfriend, it still hurt to think otherwise.
********** Jack’s P.O.V *********
            “We’re here!” my mom called into the halls of my aunt’s house. I carried the bags inside while my sister just ran right in.
            “Hi Aunt Helen!” Emma greeted before giving her a hug.
            “It’s so good to see you!” she smiled. She turned to me and I immediately saw some emotion fade away.
            “Hey Aunt Helen.” I attempted to greet. She pulled me into her arms.
            “It’s good to see you too Jack.” She murmured in my ear. It’s really no surprise that my family is still adjusting to my appearance, but I have my reasons.
            “It’s nice to see you too.” I replied.
            “Where’s Quinn?” Emma asked.
            “She should be upstairs. I think she’s talking to her boyfriend.”
            “She’s still with that loser?” I snorted.
            “Laugh all you want Jack, but Julian is a very sweet boy.” She teased. “Quinn! They’re here!”
            Almost immediately we heard someone start running from the second floor. Quinn came running down the stairs and tackled my sister and I into a hug. Aunt Helen just laughed and went to find my mom.
            “Finally! It’s been forever.” She huffed.
            “We go to the same school.” I snickered. “And go to the house on the weekends.”
            “I know, but it gets lonely here.” She reasoned. “I mean all that’s happening is planning Christmas and my sister’s baptism.”
            “So you haven’t left the house at all?” Emma asked.
            “No. And I’ve been lonely for three days.”
            “Well let’s do something then!” I suggested. “Let’s get out of the house.”
            “But you just got here- never mind. Let’s go.” Q agreed. I know she only agreed because of my expression. Maybe it was because Q is basically my sister, but she can read me like a book if she really tried to.
            “Do you mind f I stay back?” Emma asked. “I just want to sleep.”
            “Yeah okay. Do you want anything?” Q asked.
            “Poutine.” She smiled.
            “Okay, we won’t be long.” Q assured her as she grabbed her keys. We let everyone know we were going out before climbing into Q’s car.
            “So,” she said as she started the car. “Why did we have to leave?”
            “Because I’m not down to stay in a house where people are going to judge me.” I grumbled.
            “They’re not going to judge you.”
            “Fine, then they feel ashamed by me.” I corrected. “And don’t you try to defend it; I saw you’re mom’s judgemental eyes when I walked through the door.”
            “It’s just my mom. She’s always judgemental.”
            “And so is everyone else.”
            “Not Elsa.” She blurted. I knew she would bring her up somehow.
            “What makes you think that?”
            “Because she wouldn’t be dating you.” She reasoned. “I don’t think Elsa cares if she’s seen with yo-“
            “Remind me never to tell you anything ever again.” I bluntly cut in.
            “Hear me out Jackass.” She snarled. “If she really was that kind of person, then she wouldn’t make the effort to see you so often. She would be hanging out with our friends instead of ordering pizza and watching movies alone with you.” I shook my head.
            “I can still feel her doubts about me.” I mumbled.
            “Did you tell her?”
            “Tell her what?”
            “Don’t be dumb. Did you tell her everything?” Like your whole story or how you came to be.” Why was she asking such a dumb question?
            “No, of course I didn’t tell her.” I fumed. “Why would I?”
            “Because once everything is out in the open, then she’ll make the decision on whether or not she wants to be with you.”
            I seriously hate when Cupid here is right.
            “Have I told you how much I hate you?” I asked.
            “Frequently.” She smiled as she drove out of the street.

Hey guys! I'm SSOOOOOOO SORRY!!! i know it's been a while, but it's exam time and i've been like crazy busy. seriously, i think i have enough of white hair that i can dye and make a pin of.... it sucks i know. Hopefully i do well during my exams since the start wednesday.... I cry because i don;t feel ready. *sigh* a least Clash of Eras chapter one is already written so i can just give it to you on wednesday, right on schedule. I made this chapter as long as i could because it's been so long. this is actually the longest chapter. I hope i can post again soon! Luv you all! Happy REading ;)

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